Example sentences of "we [verb] say " in BNC.

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1 A lot of things were said when we broke up and perhaps we regret saying them .
2 For example if we make say for example five pence on the bottle and we or for cap er one of these for twenty bottle tops , that 's a quid which is paid for .
3 We tend to say that , or used to say that .
4 The problem , of course , is most of us could n't give a sensible reply to the very searching questions they ask , so we tend to say something like ‘ that 's a fascinating questions , but you 'll have to wait till you 're older and ask a scientist ’ .
5 The problem , of course , is most of us could n't give a sensible reply to the very searching questions they ask , so we tend to say something like ‘ that 's a fascinating questions , but you 'll have to wait till you 're older and ask a scientist ’ .
6 We got to say : You making a mistake coming in Deptford .
7 This is a very sophisticated procedure , but only in the most metaphorical sense would we want to say that the computer has a theory of the external world .
8 But would we want to say that these abilities , striking though they are , have any particular connection with consciousness ?
9 We do not always say what we mean to say , and leave ourselves open to misinterpretation .
10 ‘ Do we need to say cheerio to anyone ? ’ she asked .
11 We want to say ‘ no ’ to all development which causes more mobility , ’ said de Jongh .
12 We want to say quite explicitly that the language with which the problems of contemporary urban life are addressed is necessarily problematic .
13 Eros love is the chemistry that causes us to want to make physical contact — it is the butterflies in the tummy , the excitement that rises when we see or hear that special one and we want to say ‘ you flip my switches ’ , or ‘ you float my boat ’ .
14 ‘ Well then , if we want to say goodbye to the old country , we should go up on deck , ’ Ernest suggested .
15 We want to say shit-face and we want to say God , ’ smiles Gilbert .
16 ‘ We want to say shit-face and we want to say God , ’ smiles Gilbert .
17 We do not have to encode what we want to say from something else before we can say it , or decode it before we can understand it .
18 Well we want to say there is hope .
19 Well , whatever we want to say .
20 ‘ Get out of that dress and we 'll go back to your flat — it will be far more comfortable than this dreary room for anything we want to say … or do . ’
21 We want to say goodbye without an audience of perverts . ’
22 And on the other hand , what are changes such that we want to say that at the end of the change there is just no me left there at all and I 've been replaced by something else .
23 Essentially , we want to say that a sentence is an abstract theoretical entity defined within a theory of grammar , while an utterance is the issuance of a sentence , a sentence-analogue , or sentence-fragment , in an actual context .
24 Yes , we need to agree this , unpalatable as it is , to go forwards to P and R , to expose what the five percent reduction is , and to indicate as well to P and R other points that we , we want to say about these specific services .
25 As you can see the erm , where is it , we 've got to have , or the airlines have got to have their submissions in by the end of this month so if we have got anything really that we want to say from sales we ought to be letting have it in in a formal thing .
26 Erm , we might have erm let's say , now we want to say , try and work this as a percentage , so if we 've got
27 Have we said all we want to say about St John and his er , secessionism ?
28 Ah , well , we want to say at the bottom items one five seven and twenty four are two piece construction .
29 So we want to say ‘ thank you very much ’ to Robin , and also , this is our opportunity to learn officially that Robin is leaving our employment , I think in February ?
30 We hope to say enough about the UK 's international position to show that international competition , and the changing commodity composition of world trade , are the keys to understanding the changing composition and size of the UK economy .
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