Example sentences of "we [modal v] also " in BNC.

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1 When we destroy this ‘ genetic bank ’ we may also kill our hope for feeding our planet in the future .
2 In ten years ' time we shall no doubt still be using the techniques discussed in this chapter but we may also have opened up new avenues of research by widening the range of materials examined and by using other scientific techniques which at present are only at the development stage .
3 We usually have some warning when one of these changes is about to happen and we may also have the worry about this change balanced by the excitement that a change in circumstances often brings .
4 We may also be inspired by some of the great classics of Christian writing .
5 We may also gain — but not as a right — valued sons and daughters-in-law and grandchildren to love and enjoy .
6 We may also admire people who have skills and strengths which complement our weaknesses .
7 ‘ Freedom ’ , said Oliver Wendell Holmes , ‘ is freedom for the thought we hate ’ , since if we deny the rights of the odious , we may also threaten the rights of the unpopular , which in time may become the wisdom of posterity .
8 We may also have a heightened sense of smell before periods , exaggerating any food preferences .
9 We may also know heroin users without realising it — a carefully managed habit is not incompatible with a healthy , active life .
10 We may also be able to use the discovery for cancer prevention as we can spot the signals earlier . ’
11 If your set-up is one of the runners-up we may also feature it on the pages of PFK .
12 We may also have been exposed to the virus in the past through blood transfusion or donor inseminations .
13 In addition to the need for identifying appropriate bench-marks and a suitable framework of analysis , we may also ask about the rationale for engaging in work within the field of comparative industrial relations .
14 We may also note that with the reconstruction of the German trade unions after World War II , following their demise under the Nazi regime , the DGB was founded as a unitary organisation to include members of all occupations and political persuasions .
15 We are poor guardians if we do not ensure its unalterable right to childhood , to mystery , to dreams , to tenderness and to love ; if we do not realise that by ceasing to provide authority we may also cease to care ; if we do not conscientiously maintain the spiritual foundations without which the young can not build anew ; if we do not teach that there is a third way , neither reactionary nor libertarian , which still waits to be explored .
16 We may also discern close similarities between Hayek and Oakeshott on law and government .
17 We may also feel the need to use the toilet during a severe panic attack and we may find that our breathing pattern changes markedly .
18 If we are prone to hyperventilating during panic attacks , and otherwise at times of increased anxiety , we must learn techniques which help us to breathe more slowly and deeply , from the stomach rather than the chest , and we may also need to rebreathe our own air , breathing into and out of a paper bag , or cupping our hands close to our mouth to catch and rebreathe the exhaled air .
19 We may also monitor the electrical activity of the muscles using an electromyograph ( EMG ) and would find reduced activity as the muscles relax .
20 We may also detect a crisis of national consciousness in the old nations , and for similar reasons .
21 We may also instruct a solicitor or debt collection agent .
22 We may also have further instructions to manipulate the index register or registers .
23 We may also collect factual information on the ability and attitude of individual pupils and on their background in the subject concerned ; this last is of importance because the level of demand on pupils can only be judged in the knowledge of how far the material concerned is new to them and of their record of success or failure with it in the past .
24 We may also consider the value to A and to B of a bet , say for a simple example a 50 per cent chance of £0 and a 50 per cent chance of £1000 .
25 However , in addition to defining ‘ academic ’ courses negatively in terms of their ‘ weak ’ link with employment , we may also be able to define them positively in terms of their ‘ strong ’ link with academic research and postgraduate study .
26 We may also see a relationship between a willingness to accept the authoritative knowledge of a subject and a willingness to defer to authority in general .
27 We may also find that more and more top management jobs in big companies are filled by hiring people away from smaller companies .
28 Suppose we show that in a present-day vernacular there is structured variation in verb-forms of the type he does/he do ( see Cheshire , 1982 , for a relevant study ) , with one form perhaps being preferred in formal styles and the other in casual styles : we may also — by comparing the speech of different social groups and age-groups — show that one form is progressing at the expense of the other .
29 We may also assume that thereafter the police officers abstained , as was their duty under Code C , from conducting any further interviews with the applicant in relation to the offence with which he had been charged , save perhaps in the very limited respects permitted by Code C , to which I shall later refer .
30 We may also note that , when this message was sent to MACMIS in the afternoon of 15 May , AFHQ was under the impression that 5 Corps had already taken surrender of the 200,000 Croats , which was why Tito was being asked to " instruct his commander to accept them " .
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