Example sentences of "which of the " in BNC.

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1 It may be that neither statement need be held to subtract from the other , but there could well be some dispute as to which of the two is the more deeply entrenched in the novel .
2 To find which of the five is the most fragrant , we 'll be holding a studio sniff-in on Morning Edition at 8.45am on Saturday August 31 .
3 When he is shown a pair of faces and has to decide which of the two is a celebrity , he performs at chance level , even though he performs almost as well as normal subjects on this task when the faces are replaced by their names .
4 Which of the two ?
5 Which of the following two Head players reached the finals of the Italian Open in May this year ?
6 The choreographer 's problem is to select which of the movements are appropriate , when and how they are to be incorporated and what style and quality they require .
7 In it , 1,500 individuals were asked : ‘ If you were to buy life assurance , which of the following methods , if any , would you choose — from a salesman in your own home , from a broker in his office , by post ( either from a newspaper advertisement or from a mailshot ) , from a bank , or from a building society . ’
8 STOCK broking analysts are about to start making choices about which of the 10 water authorities being floated in early December are worth investing in .
9 Find out which of the above programmes and their producers are likely to be most sympathetic to your style of music and remember the following :
10 ( Do you concentrate on a large or small area of the brain ; if the latter , which one , if the site of the clock has not been established beyond all doubt ? ) ( a ) Do you follow one person only throughout your observation time(s) or choose , instead , a single place to see which of the family , if any , are there ? ( b ) If you choose to observe a single place , then do you study a place that is large or small , say , the front garden , a single- room , or the exit at the end of the drive ? ( c ) If it is a single room , which one ?
11 A key question is which of the existing ITV companies will win back their contracts — and what happens to their programmes if they do n't ?
12 So which of the six major types of DIYers are you ?
13 I 'd grappled up the slope on foot just before and knew how steep and icy its surface was and which of the bigger rocks had to be dodged because they would foul the car 's underside .
14 He was an ungallant swine for deliberately not coming to her aid , but in truth he really wanted to see which of the likely lads , would dash forward .
15 However the picture is not absolutely clear , as will be obvious from Figure 6.8 , since some of the ellipses are rather large and some overlap : without additional information it would not be possible to say which of the pair ( or more ) of overlapping quarries was the true source .
16 The Assemblies never approved military intervention in Lebanon ; the small contingent of Libyan troops there was said to consist of volunteers , and the decision as to which of the groups within Lebanon they should support seems to have been reserved to Qaddafi .
17 Initial charges are up to 5 p.c. depending which of the 14 underlying funds are chosen .
18 For once , Our Cilla was utterly biased in her choice of which of the three hopefuls should win Thursday 's star prize : five years of running the country .
19 We had navigated the 10-minute ritual of telling Peggy Sue which of the nine alternative piscatorial preparations we preferred ; coffee and iced water were in place ; salad and Thousand Island on the way .
20 The idea here is to decide which of the possibilities is the most likely one .
21 Which of the two was in the eye of the beholder .
22 I have been quoted coots ranging from £2,000 to £5,000 and I would like to know if you can give me any advice on which of the more common Ford , BMC , Perkins diesel engines can be obtained from scrappers , reconditioned and fitted .
23 Without it individuals would have had a choice as to which of the acceptable solutions to adopt .
24 4 ) Which of the following news items would you like to continue : a ) news items sent to us by NCT Headquarters ? b ) Local news items e.g. Sorrento closure issue ? c ) National news items culled from newspapers etc ? d ) Your legal rights e.g. Child Benefit etc ?
25 5 ) Which of the following local members reports would you like to continue ? a ) Birth reports ?
26 Make sure you know exactly which of the starts you are supposed to be at , and when .
27 Although few in the audience could have had the slightest idea of what the songs were about , their power to move was undiminished by the language barrier ; such was their skill in vocal expression that the audience could tell which of the songs were mildly comic .
28 They will tell you of problems in the area , forthcoming planning proposals , tree preservation orders , which of the drains have been taken over by the Council , road and transport problems , pollution , public rights of way , and so on .
29 Now do the same with your shoulders and experiment with which of the positions feels most comfortable .
30 Which of the following is the Odd One Out ?
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