Example sentences of "which [vb past] also " in BNC.

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1 And since the effect would be to put off the catastrophe indefinitely , since Capitalism could now continue by reason of policies which provided also a solution to the problem of unemployment , Empirical Socialism need no longer distinguish itself from the Marxist version solely by the method and pace of change , by being evolutionary rather than revolutionary .
2 This is a United Nations embargo , er and er all ships are required to comply with it , er and er the British , Australian , American ships which combined in this action , and we 've just had another one , and er also , there which involved also different ships , but involved er British , Australian and American ships as well , er and that ship is being inspected at the present time .
3 Keith Shotton led the delegation , which comprised also , George Sidey , to cover open systems , Mike Jones , on security and Bill Lunny , for software quality .
4 The death of 46 soldiers was confirmed by the government , which claimed also that the attack had been led by women cadres , that at least 25 LTTE rebels were killed in the raid , and that a further 100 were killed during a subsequent army assault on rebel camps near Iyakachchi .
5 One of the exceptions was a book by Arthur Jensen , which happened also to be the only book by a trained psychometrician .
6 As late as the early nineteenth century , for example , formal education still consisted largely of study of the Chinese Confucian classics , which served also as the vehicle for achieving literacy .
7 IN YOUR JULY 91 issue of FlyPast you had an article entitled Gustav Airborne , relating to the rebuild of a Messerschmitt 109G , which included also a brief history of the aircraft .
8 In the first half of 1991 the homicide rate rose by 62 per cent , allegedly largely because of the newly opened borders , which meant also that Poland became a target for drug trafficking .
9 Several came from Shung Sep nunnery , a day 's walk from Lhasa , which had also supplied the heroic nuns of the March demonstration .
10 Our billetors were obliged to provide us with breakfast , which might be taken about 7.30 ( or 10.30 if we had been on night duty ) , and one other meal which had also to be a moveable feast .
11 ( c ) Quarters : the quarters which had also been framed in jigs , panelled up , moulded , glazed and painted with one coat outside , were then erected and secured in position with corner knees .
12 Anne and her husband Alan , who was wearing a costume made by her grandmother which had also been worn by her father , told me how the village was changing .
13 At the end of November , when the extension and new filter were completed , the fish and plants were replaced in the main pond which had also been pressure cleaned and the mains water hose was left flowing overnight in order to refill the pond .
14 Fortunately , that was in harmony with the thoughts of the ITF Rules Committee which had also met at Key Biscayne a few days earlier and had thrown out the idea of one serve instead of two … or changing the dimensions of the court , such as a smaller service box or a serving line a yard behind the baseline , but agreed to make further research into rackets , balls and court surfaces .
15 To all this , Wilson believed , was added the swamping of the industry with cheap foreign labour which had also lowered the quality of British seamen applying for jobs , thereby providing the shipowners with an excuse to prefer the foreigner .
16 It became quite clear that the less immediately obvious tendency to back /a/ , which had also been observed , was a much more regular process and was associated with young ( chiefly male ) speakers .
17 Miss Logan carried a small bag of lemons , which had also been advised .
18 There was a short letter and a smaller envelope , which had also been opened .
19 A detailed site investigation confirmed that the limestone and oil shales had been extensively worked to the east of Straiton Road and also identified a number of coal seams near Lasswade Road which had also been worked .
20 We talked about the Dublin Review , where my Basic English article had been published , and referred to a characteristically splenetic article by Montgomery Belgion which had also appeared in that journal .
21 She was the same medium height too , with the lithe slenderness which had also characterised Isabelle .
22 The issue which provided the main focus of disagreement , and which had also thwarted progress on the CFE and START negotiations , had been the future political and military status of a united Germany .
23 The Prime Minister then led the guests in three shouts of " banzai ! " , a traditional call for the longevity of the Emperor which had also been the battle-cry of the Imperial Army during the Pacific War 1941-45 .
24 Responsibility was claimed by the Islamic Jihad Movement — Bayt al-Maqdis ( Jerusalem ) , which had also claimed responsibility for an attack on an Israeli tour bus in Egypt in February 1990 [ see pp. 37265-66 ] , and which in late October had been declared illegal in Israel and the occupied territories .
25 The concession resulted from negotiations initiated by the Georgian Interior Ministry which had also secured agreement by Ossete militants to surrender weapons stolen from the police .
26 However , it was in logged-out areas rather than primary rainforest that the fires were able to spread rapidly in Indonesia 's protracted four-month drought , which had also undermined the country 's self-sufficiency in rice , its staple food .
27 A member of the political bureau of the ruling Popular Rally for Progress ( RPP ) , Mohammed Adabo Kabo , was dismissed on Dec. 23 after protesting at the killings , which had also prompted ( on Dec. 18 ) an expression of " severe condemnation " from the French Foreign Ministry .
28 Macedonia and Bosnia-Hercegovina , which had also sought recognition , were not included .
29 However , Ukraine invited representatives from the other CIS states to meet on Feb. 25 to negotiate repayment mechanisms ; at the meeting , which Russia had not attended , Ukraine had offered to become responsible for the share of the debt incurred by Moldova , Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan , which had also refused to sign the memorandum ( their share of the debt being minimal ) .
30 Of the 27 seats reserved for Fijian nationals of Indian descent , 14 were won by the National Federation Party ( NFP ) and 13 by the Fiji Labour Party ( FLP — which had also unsuccessfully fielded a number of candidates for Fijian seats ) .
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