Example sentences of "which [prep] us " in BNC.

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1 In 1921 , Siqueiros had urged artists to ‘ avoid those lamentable archaeological reconstructions ’ ( ‘ Indianism ’ , ‘ Primitivism ’ , ‘ Americanism' ) but he had also warned against the use of ‘ archaic motifs ’ from the old masters of European art ‘ which for us would be exotic ’ ; instead his advice was to study the arts of both , learning from the ‘ constructive base ’ , the ‘ great sincerity ’ , of the latter , and the ‘ synthetic energy ’ of the former , to combine the ‘ lost values ’ of the past with new values to produce an art appropriate to modern America .
2 We used to do it almost as a social thing , a conventional Spanish gesture which for us had a special meaning — or at least it did for me , because I looked upon it as a seal on our friendship .
3 Many horse owners know that their horse can smell dry oats or grain , which for us have no odour , from at least several feet away .
4 Which between us we could write
5 ( Even now I am not sure which of us was right . )
6 ( There again , I still do not know which of us was right ; a little of each , perhaps . )
7 Which of us do you want to speak with ? ’
8 Which of us do you want ? ’
9 But which of us , locked behind a desk or in a queue at the supermarket check-out , has not had an overwhelming desire to drop everything , run into the street , hail a passing cab and make for the nearest airport to catch a plane to anywhere ?
10 It was the American biologist Garrett Hardin who first coined the highly apposite phrase ‘ fate 's lottery ’ for those capricious processes of gene shuffling that determine which of us shall inherit stretches of DNA coding for serious debility , which of us are bequeathed the determinants of mental disease , which of us will die young , and which of us will be able to avoid lung cancer despite a lifetime of heavy smoking .
11 It was the American biologist Garrett Hardin who first coined the highly apposite phrase ‘ fate 's lottery ’ for those capricious processes of gene shuffling that determine which of us shall inherit stretches of DNA coding for serious debility , which of us are bequeathed the determinants of mental disease , which of us will die young , and which of us will be able to avoid lung cancer despite a lifetime of heavy smoking .
12 It was the American biologist Garrett Hardin who first coined the highly apposite phrase ‘ fate 's lottery ’ for those capricious processes of gene shuffling that determine which of us shall inherit stretches of DNA coding for serious debility , which of us are bequeathed the determinants of mental disease , which of us will die young , and which of us will be able to avoid lung cancer despite a lifetime of heavy smoking .
13 It was the American biologist Garrett Hardin who first coined the highly apposite phrase ‘ fate 's lottery ’ for those capricious processes of gene shuffling that determine which of us shall inherit stretches of DNA coding for serious debility , which of us are bequeathed the determinants of mental disease , which of us will die young , and which of us will be able to avoid lung cancer despite a lifetime of heavy smoking .
14 Which of us on finding our car aerial snapped off by a vandal have not momentarily wanted to do the same to his neck ?
15 Which of us does not need that grace to give purpose to our lives , one we could not have by inventing meaning ourselves ?
16 I do n't recall which of us spoke it first , but as the end approached we were both mouthing it imploringly , like a prayer , like a spell .
17 which of us ? ’ asked Gay .
18 Last winter I came face to face with one on the landing — I do n't know which of us was the more scared .
19 ( If our motives had to be completely pure , which of us would pass the test ? )
20 For instance , which of us has not prolonged an atmosphere of hostility by keeping the coals smouldering within ?
21 It depends which of us has the most patience . ’
22 But which of us is right can easily be put to the test .
23 Then , on opening them again , he would be confronted with the same problem : which of us is which ?
24 The orchestral solo item , and erm I do n't know which of us thought of it , but anyway the erm er
25 He did n't know which of us to believe or disbelieve .
26 To make mistakes , as which of us has not .
27 It got rather nasty — at one point my sister and I were actually playing tug-of-war with a vase — and ended with us rowing about which of us was his favourite .
28 And which of us has not broken the law of God not just once but thousands of times ?
29 Which of us can hope for anything better than that to be said about us ?
30 ‘ Well , which of us ever does ?
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