Example sentences of "which [verb] also " in BNC.

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1 The Library , which contains also the world famous Old Master drawings collection , was untouched .
2 In the same little volume Boulestin gives us an explanation of the old-fashioned French custom of serving a vegetable before the roast — an explanation which contains also some sound gastronomic advice :
3 There is a possibility that minister here refers to Ealdhun and that Offa was angered because Ealdhun had given his lands to Christ Church , Canterbury , without King Ecgberht 's permission , but even if this were the case , it is clear that Offa 's reaction was to the way in which Ecgberht also had made grants of land without his permission ; he revoked both Ealdhun 's donations and Ecgberht 's , not only to Canterbury but to Rochester .
4 And since the effect would be to put off the catastrophe indefinitely , since Capitalism could now continue by reason of policies which provided also a solution to the problem of unemployment , Empirical Socialism need no longer distinguish itself from the Marxist version solely by the method and pace of change , by being evolutionary rather than revolutionary .
5 This is a United Nations embargo , er and er all ships are required to comply with it , er and er the British , Australian , American ships which combined in this action , and we 've just had another one , and er also , there which involved also different ships , but involved er British , Australian and American ships as well , er and that ship is being inspected at the present time .
6 Babel 's bad times could be turned into art — an art which has been seen to release him , as it were , from his subject , and which has also been seen to hesitate .
7 However , more important is the third meaning of impetus which has also to do with physical performance .
8 Quite different from any other Spitfire pilot 's story , this ex-41 Sqn pilot has written a racey and humorous account of his 1940–45 experiences — which has also illustrated with his own skilfully drawn cartoons .
9 In Figueres , his Catalan hometown , he set up his own museum ( which has also become his mausoleum since his death two years ago ) , with its own foundation to administer it .
10 A spokesman for Oxfam , which has also lobbied for measures to prevent mothers in developing countries being encouraged to feed their babies on infant formula , said : ‘ These are good measures and will benefit mothers and their babies everywhere . ’
11 Nicaragua , which has also had a socialist revolution , has a greater emphasis on the private sector in its agrarian policy .
12 The last mill in the area is Colebrook Mill , which has also been known as Strattons Mill .
13 There is a second equally important facet of the refugee question which has also been underrated .
14 Zambia returned to the IMF fold in early 1990 on the basis of an agreed economic restructuring programme and debt rescheduling , which has also released new aid flows .
15 The Sleepwalkers must be unrivalled as a scholarly history which has also aroused life-long interest in science among many youngsters .
16 Morley Street and Granville Again are set to clash in the Coral-Elite Hurdle which has also attracted this year 's Champion runner-up Oh So Risky and Martin Pipe 's Tyrone Bridge .
17 Its best known relative is the chamois , a native of the European Alps which has also adapted to life at high altitudes on precipitous mountain cliffs .
18 The walls have turned a gruesome red-brown from the urine which has also eaten away at the wooden structure of one of the portals .
19 The strengthening of this centralist trend , which has also been evident in other aspects of state schooling , is seen to culminate in the government 's consultation paper The National Curriculum 5–16 ( DES/Welsh Office , 1987 ) whose proposals were incorporated in a largely unchanged form in Chapter 1 of the 1987 Education Reform Bill .
20 Using processors based on the Power RISC architecture , which has also been adopted by Apple Computer Inc , Motorola Inc and Groupe Bull SA , Filip said IBM ‘ will go aggressively into the low-end personal computer market next year with RISC technology . ’
21 Can you think if we have something meal facilities which has also been raised if then maybe the stage door club area could be used for something like light rehearsal space which is always in demand .
22 The analytical method , which has also been taken from Dicey , and forms part of this orthodoxy supposedly separates fact from value ; parliamentary sovereignty , for example , is viewed as part of ‘ the order of things ’ rather than a concept derived from a particular political theory .
23 Both halves of the room have curtains in a finely textured , natural-coloured fabric , which has also been used to cover the sofa .
24 But it is also because of the geography of growth of the service sector , which has also been very uneven .
25 An issue which has also caused controversy involves the release of results of individual schools .
26 At around the same time , the effects were being felt of a new system ( introduced by the government in 1995 ) of individual budgets for each prison — in effect cash limits on what can be spent on staff in each prison — which has also been blamed for giving rise to understaffing .
27 One of the two main instruments , a germanium spectrometer , would be provided by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) , which has also been asked to make available data-receiving facilities at two ground stations .
28 More recently this has received added support from the environmental lobby , which has also looked askance at all but the most picturesque forms of employment being introduced into rural areas .
29 Today , by contrast , when the penal code has grown soft , cricket 's regulations relating to conduct — which has also deteriorated — are tougher . )
30 Trotskyism and Maoism have both had an impact in Latin America , which has also produced its own distinct versions of Marxist theory in Castroism and Guevarism .
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