Example sentences of "or even [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Scant consideration was given to getting the authors ' names or initials , or even their book titles , correct ! ) :
2 Whether people named defence as the Conservatives ' main campaign theme depended a great deal upon the date of the interview and rather less upon their personal characteristics or even their pattern of media use .
3 Moreover , when we speak of the perceived function of reformed monasteries , we do not mean primarily their economic functions as efficient optimizers of agrarian wealth , or even their cultivation of knowledge and production of books .
4 I know this sounds obvious but it 's surprising how many organisers depend on brochures , models and plans ( it 's fine to have those as well , of course ) or even their recollections of a place five years ago ( when it and your needs were different ) .
5 They have dusted off their old blueprints — or even their old stock — and entered the market again .
6 Neil Murray has often had to come into bands and reproduce another player 's bass part , or even their bass sound …
7 ‘ Let's go lookin' fer badgers or even their holes .
8 The central question , then , is not whether or not we should tolerate the rules and conventions , the systems of thought , the preconceptions that regulate enquiry and instruction — for if our enterprise is to have any significance at all we have to — but which rules , conventions , and preconceptions are likely to offer us the most relevant and reliable set of bearings for our work , and how we are to use them so that we can allow for their modification , or even their complete replacement , when new insights and experiences need to be accommodated .
9 Many monkeys , for example , use branches , stones or even their own droppings as missiles directed at actual or potential predators .
10 But it remains to ask if Poulantzas can explain this ‘ choice ’ , ‘ policy-decision , , or ‘ process ’ without treating classes , or even their members , as subjects .
11 What are they doing at college in their thirties and forties — or even their fifties ?
12 Changes in media personnel are fairly frequent and nothing gives a worse impression of the PR executive the continual receipt of material with a predecessor 's name or even their predecessor 's predecessor 's name on it .
13 If we may find this incongruous , that is only because we live in an age of collapsed hierarchies in which painters and sculptors are liable to be more highly regarded than their patrons or even their sitters .
14 This will mean conceding the impossibility , whatever the strict legal interpretation , of farm land ever being treated by the urban population in the same way as a factory or even their own back gardens .
15 If these pessimistic assumptions were justified , how could the smaller States protect their interests or even their existence ?
16 Their faces had been beaten off to make sure nobody could later link them to a concentration camp , or even their homes , in Germany .
17 Although set up in 1974 in response to outcries about huge increases in domestic rates , it never came near to recommending their abolition or even their substantial replacement with another tax .
18 Heroic efforts alone could lift a poor man and woman , or even their children , out of the slough of demoralisation on to the firm plateau of respectability and , above all , define his position there .
19 Well , very briefly , the ideas was Freud in his early practice was getting stories from his patients that they had somehow been sexually interfered with or abused or something of the kind when they were very young , often by an older male friend of the family , a relative , or even their father and initially Freud thought these reminiscences were literally true .
20 Or even her father ?
21 She had certainly never thought that her long-term health — or even her life — was under threat .
22 It would surely be over-hasty to argue that a mother , for example , who clearly preferred her showjumpers , or even her collection of books , to her children , was necessarily in the wrong ; she might nonetheless treat her offspring very well .
23 22 Also , when she reaches with her foot to hold the treat dish , or even her regular food dish , she does it with her right foot .
24 Whether by some trick of the Mercator Projection , or due simply to the natural chauvinism of cartographers , Indonesia seldom reveals her true proportions , or even her whereabouts .
25 The touch of menstrual blood on the male penis is feared as causing impotency or even its rotting away , obvious castration fantasies .
26 The net result is that the slowdown in the production of fixed capital will also cause a reduction in the rate of growth of , or even its reduction to zero .
27 Thus a 10-month-old baby who failed to respond to its name , or to betray signs of recognition towards its mother , twin sister , or even its rattle , might well give therapists cause for concern ; which is not to say that the normal baby , who does succeed in reacting appropriately , is thereby yet self -conscious .
28 Nor can it be contended that this harsh judgement on Socrates was in any way typical of Athenian democracy 's attitudes towards its critics or even its enemies .
29 Loss of colour can even be related to its status or even its mood .
30 It is probable that the Commission will suggest radical reform of the Court , or even its replacement .
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