Example sentences of "or do [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Even if the equation could be established , the beneficiaries are not the same or do not see themselves as the same : the patients paying two shillings for their bottles of medicine do not identify themselves with the patients admitted to hospital sooner or treated more efficiently .
2 ‘ Sovereignty is not something that you either have or do not have , like a family heirloom which you take out and dust every now and then to make sure that it is still in your possession and still intact , ’ Sir Leon said .
3 teams know what it is like to play in a school for educationally sub-normal children who can not ( or do not want to ) distinguish between the ‘ baddy ’ character and the actor — who finds himself molested as he retreats to his car after the show !
4 In his article ‘ Sovereignty and interdependence : Britain 's place in the world ’ , he defines sovereignty as ‘ a nation 's practical capacity to maximise its influence in the world ’ and uses the metaphor of a ‘ bundle of sticks ’ , some of which are exchanged for others , to illustrate that ‘ sovereignty is not like virginity , something you either have or do not have . ’
5 The rest do not know , or do not want to know , the extent to which the NCT has influenced every aspect of obstetric care .
6 Without these crucial areas of explanation , her theory of how innovations occur or do not occur seems remarkably fragile .
7 The stitching can go rotten in a very short space of time and remember when you start the cross country course , ride with confidence or do not start !
8 The findings indicate however that it is not so much the carers ' preferences which do or do not change but their feelings about the feasibility of those preferences .
9 In the meantime , the vast majority of Indian children either do not go to school or do not reach the end of primary school .
10 Of course , it is not always easy to pinpoint exactly why we do or do not engage in a particular action .
11 On the other hand , it has already been shown that the tawny owl produces higher levels of modification than other species ( Raczynski & Ruprecht , 1974 ; Lowe , 1980 ) , so that caution is needed before generalizing too far on what owls do or do not do .
12 Already at least 10 of the 43 police authorities in England and Wales either do not have any plastic bullets or do not favour their use , according to Patricia Hewin of the NCCL .
13 Stimulating arguments aside , there are two points of view about robots and , indeed , the related field of information technology ( this issue , p 634 onwards ) : either they do or do not destroy jobs .
14 Most claims for present spelling do not hold , or do not apply consistently .
15 Your doctor would send you an appointment , but if you move or do not hear , please contact your doctor or clinic and arrange for a further smear .
16 In 1739 ( and , later , in 1763 ) Acts were passed empowering the justices ‘ to raise and levy such able-bodied men as have not any lawfyl calling or employment … or do not make use of any lawful means for their support and maintenance , to serve as soldiers ’ .
17 Tick all of the items which relate to performance : the skills that you either have or do not have .
18 This category from the 1981 census has proved an excellent indicator , because it largely identifies young , single people living in multi-occupied houses who either can not or do not cook , or who do not have regular access to a kitchen .
19 We do not believe that such operations can be shown to meet our public transport target safety level , and it may be that some of our European colleagues do not consider such operations to be public transport , or do not apply the same target level of safety to such operations .
20 Of course , if you are calling the Institute for the first time , or do not know who you need to speak to , then the switchboard staff will still be there to help you .
21 Small children have strong ideas about what mothers do or do not do ; my own adolescent children are very worried about what I might do in public to embarrass them .
22 Through both the death and resurrection of Jesus , humanity is now reconciled to God even if some people are unaware of , or do not care to hear , the good news .
23 Some folk use machine knitting because they can not , or do not wish to , hand knit .
24 Another point that some have raised in this connection is that animals can not — or do not — lie when using their communication systems .
25 However , one major weakness of the study is that by concentrating on advertising as the major culprit , it overlooks the structural changes which media necessarily go through — or do not go through — which themselves place them at risk .
26 Because pensions come in a variety of forms , even many sophisticated people fail to collect all their entitlements or do not understand all the options that are available to them .
27 Parental involvement in decision-making is often restricted to identifying those aspects of the child 's behaviour that fit or do not fit with the views of the professionals .
28 The imminent publication of guidelines on employing counsellors in primary care prepared by a working party of the British Association for Counselling will greatly help those family health services authorities and general practitioners who have yet to develop such guidelines or do not understand how to assess the qualifications and competence of counsellors they wish to employ and work with .
29 For example , you may be the greatest athlete in the world but your capacity to influence my behaviour is very small if I do not know you are a famous athlete or do not value athletic ability .
30 The issue of standards of evidence arises now because of a case just argued before the US Supreme Court over whether data do or do not support the allegation that a drug called Bendectin , once widely prescribed to prevent morning sickness in pregnant women , causes limb deformities in newborn babies .
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