Example sentences of "or she may " in BNC.

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1 After the emergency , give your child the opportunity to talk about the incident and about any other worries he or she may have .
2 He or she may recommend chiropody , or visits from a district nurse ; or physiotherapy may be required to help regain mobility after an operation .
3 He or she may even be the local greengrocer who hears a band rehearsing down the road in the village hall .
4 However , if an agent is enjoying the wine with a Bryan Adams , he or she may be drinking the vinegar with a manager 's smaller act who makes much more work than the bigger act , with absolutely no income .
5 At a certain point in a writer 's career , he or she may want to set up his or her own publishing company .
6 Also , even if a subject is never directly or completely ‘ freed ’ trom repression by its displacement , he or she may be empowered in other ways — for example , by being seen to be homophobic in a homophobic culture .
7 Or she may simply be trying to snub President Cory Aquino , who refuses to allow Marcos back , even through he is dead ; and has barred Imelda too .
8 If such a spouse is not in occupation , he or she may enter and occupy the home with leave of the court .
9 Not infrequently , in fact , he or she may be assisted in his search by that same social services department ( Haimes and Timms , 1985 ) .
10 Appropriate feedback is vital in the patient 's relearning process , so he receives praise only when it is deserved : if he fails in any way , the physiotherapist remains encouraging and positive about it , but shows him how and why he went wrong , or she may simply leave that task for the moment and return to it later , when the patient can concentrate and get it right .
11 You will not necessarily see your physiotherapist doing exactly the treatment techniques described below : she may use some of these techniques plus others she has devised herself , or she may use a completely different method .
12 If a constable reasonably suspects that an arrestable offence has been committed , he or she may detain anyone whom he or she reasonably suspects to be guilty of it .
13 He or she may choose to travel with friends , but the true traveller sets out to make an independent , unhurried journey to the unknown , without supervision , avoiding tourist shrines and travelling where few foreign feet tread .
14 Thus , a whole range of decisions would not be left merely to the instinct of the doctor , good though he or she may be , but would be set down in a form which is at the same time authoritative , yet flexible and able to change if circumstances demand .
15 However , for the prisoner , the CAB adviser is often the only non-establishment source of support and contact that he or she may have with the outside world .
16 You could even say that you should worry if a child reaches the age of seven or eight without ever using swear words , since he or she may not be listening to people perhaps not even to you .
17 He or she may — and probably will — possess a more subtle view of ‘ professionalism ’ than the capacity to deliver examination results , but at the same time it is well known that many parents and politicians see those results as the crucial way by which schools account for their success or failure .
18 By personal charisma and/or alliance with other fonctionnaires with a more direct professional stake in curriculum content and delivery ( especially , inspectors ) , he or she may also and exceptionally become a ‘ curriculum leader ’ in the British sense , but that is achieved at the cost of encroaching upon the formal responsibility of other professionals .
19 He or she may be clairvoyant , a medium , or have a gift of telepathy .
20 Lack of control brings humiliation and embarrassment for the person concerned , the actual physical discomfort of having wet or soiled clothing and extra work for the care assistant which he or she may find unpleasant .
21 If Mrs Jones is looking uncomfortable , she may have wet herself , or she may be in a lot of pain .
22 He or she may have several diseases concurrently which will complicate nursing care .
23 If the ‘ reluctant ’ learner can be introduced to the library — to see a video or hear some music — he or she may be encouraged by the absence of school pressures and associations of poor performance , and by the interest of an adult who is not , nor does not appear to be , part of the school teaching/discipline system .
24 The outgoing person who has been doing the job should be consulted as part of this , although it should be borne in mind that he or she may have certain prejudices which preclude their giving a totally satisfactory answer .
25 The departure of a ‘ special ’ child may be particularly problematic because he or she may have invoked part of the parents ' own history , or because the child performed a vital role in the family such as ‘ go-between ’ or communicator .
26 Where a member of staff was previously satisfied with work practice in a section , he or she may become a discontented or frustrated worker , because expectations were increased , together with knowledge and skill , only to be stifled by lack of interest on return to work .
27 Or she may be working on a rabbit and be boxed in in one direction while another ferret has backed one or more rabbits behind her .
28 She may have used the window as a convenient piece of misdirection , or she may have opened it to let Latimer in .
29 She may start to release her emotions fully during or after the service , or she may go through all the ritual connected with it in a daze , but sooner or later it can be expected that the flood-gates of her grief will open and she will then begin to work her way through the multiplicity of problems that lie ahead of her .
30 She may experience a crisis of disbelief in her religious faith , or direct her anger towards the medical or nursing staff who cared for her husband , for failing to save his life ; or she may blame family or friends and have feelings of guilt and anger against herself for things that were done or not done during his lifetime .
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