Example sentences of "she could do " in BNC.

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1 To her mind , Lucy looked like she could do with a huge warm hug .
2 And then it was mammoth time and nothing she could do about it .
3 Not that Masha was unable to enjoy herself — she had a fine sense of humour and loved to sing , which she could do well , serenading the songs of her homeland — lullabies and airs which still resonate in her son 's head to this day .
4 But she could do nothing about it .
5 And all she could do , ’ Harriet , she says silently , what a betrayer you make me , immediately , ‘ all she could do was ask about the Royals , was Diana as beautiful as in Newsweek . ’
6 And all she could do , ’ Harriet , she says silently , what a betrayer you make me , immediately , ‘ all she could do was ask about the Royals , was Diana as beautiful as in Newsweek . ’
7 Soon she realised that he was singing her praises to his friends , because other similar garden owners rang her up and asked her if she could do a few hours for them too .
8 She wanted to be as mature and sensible as Rachel was , she wanted to be reassuring and maternal and all she could do was cling to Maggie and sob and sob .
9 The old mistake made in a bathroom in Oxford twenty years before had fixed her course and all she could do was to walk it .
10 Or maybe she felt she could do the briefing personally , as it were ?
11 She could do with a bit of growing up , ’ observed Davyd , the shrewd Welsh gardener .
12 If she wanted , she could do a little daytime television work in one of the London studios .
13 All she could do was stand there , a passive witness .
14 There was nothing she could do to save herself .
15 She could do nothing to help herself .
16 She had written to her mother giving no address , saying that she had left her husband and was going abroad , that she could do nothing more for her mother and had her own life to live .
17 She gave no address and said she could do nothing more to help her mother .
18 There seemed nothing she could do to make it less so .
19 Dare they call her bluff and just let her get on with whatever she thought she could do to inconvenience them ?
20 One young woman , Lucy , told how sad she felt that her mother had very low self-esteem , believed she was unattractive and overweight — even said once that there was nothing she could do or be that Lucy and her sisters ‘ could n't do or be better ’ , which made Lucy feel envied and forced into competition with her mother , when she did n't want to be .
21 It had been all she could do , as she wrote to Ellen :
22 She could do little to protect herself .
23 She reported a general response as good as on the Arsenicum , went on holiday and had to come home from it because her period was again heavy and all she could do was lie down !
24 There was nothing more she could do .
25 Surely there was something that she could do ?
26 It was as much as she could do to restrain herself from rushing forward to grasp his hand in a gesture of sympathy and solidarity .
27 Whatever it was , she could do nothing about it herself , since she had n't the remotest idea what went on under the bonnet of the Renault .
28 She could do without food for a day or two , or maybe the wee lass would bring her something .
29 All she could do was raise her voice higher , the train was coming in now , and she screamed at the child , screamed at him Come on , Johnny , fucking come on .
30 It was all she could do to stop bursting into tears .
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