Example sentences of "she said as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Hi , ’ she said as she let him in .
2 She wants me to forget about the civil service and to go to university , ’ she said as soon as she got home .
3 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ she said as Keith went out of the room .
4 Disappointed , Tug turned back to the sink , listening vaguely to what she said as he began to wash up .
5 ‘ Well , we do open to the public now , as you know , but oh ! the bills , and the staff want paying , ’ she said as she showed us to the door .
6 ‘ That 's the Sir Mauger Grindlewood — East India Company , ’ she said as we came across another old buffer in stone with a bad smell under his nose .
7 ‘ He 's hungry , sir , I think , ’ she said as Dr. Briant walked over to the crib .
8 Still , she said as she turned the corner of the High Street .
9 ‘ I did n't know it was such a big place , ’ she said as they drove through the gaslit streets from the station in a hired carriage .
10 ‘ I 'm determined to have a go , ’ she said as she left .
11 ‘ I 've had such a lovely time , ’ she said as Ethel fell on her in ecstasy , ‘ and Ethel 's lick is much more efficient than cleansing cream . ’
12 ‘ I do n't scoff at matters of the spirit , ’ she said as she threaded her needle with gold to start embroidering the unicorn 's eye .
13 ‘ Thank you so much , ’ she said as Lee handed it to her .
14 ‘ Politicians have n't done a lot for me , ’ she said as she shared a burger with her three-year-old daughter Joanna .
15 ‘ What are you looking so red in the face about , Harry ? ’ she said as she put the tray down on the coffee-table .
16 ‘ Aye , where else ? ’ she said as she , too , rose from the settle and returned to the couch , from where she watched him go to the box that was standing on the end of the sideboard , and from it take a piece of silver , then button his coat across his broad chest , take his cap from his pocket and , having put it on at an angle , salute her , saying , ‘ Your servant , madam . ’
17 ‘ Come here , ’ she said as she walked back to the fireplace .
18 " I 'll try not to do it again , " she said as the sisters helped her up .
19 Christine paused most meaningfully … ‘ she said as you had given it to her , sir .
20 ‘ The islands , ’ she said as she took the prey .
21 ‘ I must n't drink it , ’ she said as she did .
22 ‘ Enjoy yourselves , my dears , ’ she said as they prepared to leave .
23 ‘ You are quite sure about this , Dorothy ? ’ she said as she handed it to her for her signature .
24 ‘ Martha , ’ she said as she was eating , ‘ I 've been thinking .
25 ‘ No , no , this is fine , ’ she said as he suggested making a new pot .
26 ‘ I 've been around , ’ she said as they moved out onto the floor .
27 ‘ Good morning , Mr Nicholson , ’ she said as she shook hands .
28 ‘ I take her milk in , I do n't ask her for reports , ’ she said as Scott started up the steps .
29 ‘ I ca n't not serve him , ’ she said as she moved around the counter and back on to home territory .
30 ‘ Am I allowed to wonder why you need all this ? ’ she said as he pulled a chair in and sat down .
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