Example sentences of "she must [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 His fierce pride demanded that she must assume their meeting had been coincidental .
2 Having accepted that she must wear it , Alexandra then set herself to dress for the pleasure of the Rectory children , throwing good taste to the winds and insisting upon hanging herself with all that glittered from the jewel box Aunt Emily had left her , its rose suede depths heaped with treasures from Richard Talbot .
3 But she must wear a special cap to protect her head while she waits for more surgery .
4 I told her she must bring our brothers here by two o'clock .
5 One of them is a teacher of deaf children at St Mary 's and she loved the old schoolroom at the museum and told me that her class were doing a project on Northern Ireland and she must bring them here to see it all .
6 She must wrap up her head well and she must protect her feet with something more than her felt shoes …
7 Linguistic research which was meant to help women understand and change their reality is being used here to hurt them , if only by creating in the mind of the female reader one more problem , a linguistic inadequacy for which she must blame herself .
8 She must , however , comply with a number of detailed ( and by no means straightforward ) requirements contained within the Consolidation Act , which also stipulates precisely how she must exercise her right to return to work after the baby is born .
9 She had reached the point in her argument where she must examine and explicate the emblems offered by the masters for the Coniunctio Solis et Lunae , the redemptive marriage-dance of sun and moon .
10 In return for her help , the spies strike a bargain with her : she must tie a scarlet cord in the window so that the Israelites can identify her house , and she must gather her whole family together , so that when the city is taken , they can all be spared .
11 She must continue , in her deceit , whole , like the spy who , in order to go on , has to become what he seems .
12 yeah I think , I do n't , she must lock it from the inside window back through
13 Her husband , however , became extremely insistent and started following her and insisting that she must sign the papers .
14 It was out of the question ; she must end this bizarre interview here and now by telling Madame Gebrec , gently but firmly , that the person to whom she should confide her doubts was Officer Hassan .
15 Because I felt extremely low , and needed company , I telephoned Esme on Wednesday evening , the day Father died , to ask if she would come out for a canoe ride from the Aquatic Club to River Park , but she said she must stay in and practise for a forthcoming piano recital .
16 After only a brief time in this balmy atmosphere , Constance knew that she must stay .
17 They all assumed , blandly , blithely , that she must stay in London , or go abroad ; that the guilt must be endured , and no question about it .
18 They said she must stay cheerful for the child 's sake .
19 Dr Macdonald cut through the guilt with his paternalistic authority , more powerful in the hospital than her father 's , and insisted that she must stay where she was .
20 She must stay and try to play her part .
21 She believes she must stay out of sight or something similar will happen to her . ’
22 ‘ Of course , she must stay here , ’ she answered .
23 Here lay her immediate future , and here she must stay .
24 This portable version allows her out of home or hospital for a few hours … but for most of her life she must stay connected to a larger non-stop supply .
25 She must stay inside .
26 She must abandon all relationships with men , lovers , fathers and brothers .
27 And at the same time , she must distinguish her own from that which belongs to others , separate it , examine it and , if necessary , cherish it , as she must cherish anything which tells her who she is , anything which belongs to her alone .
28 Somehow she must discover the extent of the threat to Edmund 's life .
29 He agreed to pay them but told Gina she must give some Italian lessons or something in future if she wanted to treat herself to things like that .
30 Joan too had heard the current gossip and had lain awake for much of the previous night , persuading herself it was a fabrication and that she must give no heed to wagging tongues .
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