Example sentences of "she [vb -s] find " in BNC.

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1 If she wants to find her relatives , I suggest that she looks in the villages .
2 As the corporals head for lunch they pass a recruit from the TA platoon shepherding her visitors toward the museum , Where she is convinced that she has found a photograph of her mother , Who served in the Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1945 .
3 By emphasizing the spiritual potential of women , Leapor believes that she has found a more reasonable and more durable standard of value .
4 Halted at a red light , Robyn consults her A to Z , but before she has found the place on the map , the lights have changed and cars are hooting impatiently behind her .
5 She has found a little place in the country .
6 With her sensuous smile and her bare shoulders , she could be likened to a contented cat who knows she has found a good home .
7 She has found , though , that by writing so closely about what happened to her she has , in a way , lost some of her own past .
8 One of the most encouraging things she has found about being in Riyadh is that the Lord has been very close to her and gives her constant encouragement , when things are hard .
9 The two longer serving assistant housekeepers are familiar with her ways , but she has found it difficult to keep a third for any length of time , and the present incumbent appears sullen and resentful .
10 Landing the presenter 's job is not 30-year-old Rosemarie 's only good fortune — she has found love at last .
11 A £1,000 bargain buy from Ireland earlier this year , she has found her best form since switching to the outside .
12 ‘ Mohammed had to go to the mountain , I 've subsidised all my previous ventures by working and saving but to get my work published I realised my only chance was England , ’ she says , where she has found three photographic agencies interested in buying her work and eight publications have bought selections of the Bolivian shots .
13 She has found that the decision to choose residential care can cause just as much bereavement and guilt as can death .
14 He accepts the acclamation of the mountain men as a way of saving his playmate from rough handling , after she has found the Crown .
15 The British assessment was that the United States had no long-term interest in Korea and had no scheme to extend sufficient economic or military aid to render a south Korean administration viable : ‘ It is probably therefore the American intention to pull out herself , as soon as she has found a face-saving formula for doing so . ’
16 Meanwhile she has given the impression that , by looking to the earliest community of women and men , she has found a way for women to be Christian .
17 Now , thought Conradin , she has found the box .
18 ‘ Mohammed had to go to the mountain , I 've subsidised all my previous ventures by working and saving but to get my work published I realised my only chance was England , ’ she says , where she has found three photographic agencies interested in buying her work and eight publications have bought selections of the Bolivian shots .
19 I have been in touch with Jeanette ; she has found herself a job and seems to be settling down , while hoping for a visit from a certain young man !
20 She has found doctors and consultants very receptive to using acupuncture during labour , but unfortunately , the therapy is not available on the National Health .
21 She has found his hands for him , and fitted them freshly at the wrists
22 FOLLOWING two weeks in Romania helping to renovate an orphanage , believes that she has found her true vocation in life and on is leaving her job at the Ipswich Grain Terminal to return to the orphanage and continue the work .
23 Even at this early stage , she has found some centres which have developed very innovative and imaginative ways of using the opportunities offered by these new qualifications .
24 She has found that she can interest modern teenagers , and develop attitudes of stillness and attentiveness and reflectiveness , through detailed study of certain masterpieces .
25 She has found a number of old photographs that will come as a great surprise to me .
26 Her mum says : ‘ As far as I am concerned , she has found a great lad .
27 So she has to find another way of providing music for the midnight service .
28 On every return she has to find her burrow , distinguishing it from its surroundings .
29 What this means is she has to find a job fast .
30 She needs to find someone or something to blame for the catastrophe that has overtaken her , so she looks for reasons , because she may not yet be ready to face up to the extremely anxiety-provoking fact that life itself is unpredictable and the world is an insecure place .
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