Example sentences of "she [verb] any " in BNC.

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1 It may be necessary to enquire how far her lust was excited , or if she experienced any enjoyment .
2 The problem with placing Mary Leapor within this discussion is that it is not certain that she read any of the poems with which these critics are primarily concerned .
3 See that your client initials all alterations to any document executed , and that he or she signs any plan attached to it — this being unnecessary , however , if the plan is drawn on the actual document .
4 He could have gone on , recklessly , but he was unwilling to reach a consummation where she shared any abandon with him ; he had not forgiven her .
5 Not , in truth , that she expected any , important or otherwise , but it would have made a difference to the day .
6 Then her mother would graciously conduct half an hour of polite conversation with all these people , who Jo knew were otherwise pretty cool and mostly also pretty sane , and they would all pretend to be interested in whatever dumb thing she said , and laugh if she made any of her awful little jokes and store away any personal information she disclosed so that they could tell it to their friends the next day and make it absolutely clear that they were on intimate terms with a really big star .
7 When Charlotte had finished , emphasizing how vital it was to find the document the kidnappers wanted , Natasha poured them both more tea before she made any remark .
8 Clearly she had n't wanted Hugh to know she owned any property in her native country , but why conceal such an important fact ?
9 Time to remember why she was here , she decided firmly , as she banished any crazy light-headed notion that Ven might be responsible for the way her heart fluttered when , looking at him , she found that his eyes were still on her .
10 Could she think any other fees she might impose ?
11 She had certainly not planned on saying that , it was just that there was no reason to hate an old woman just because you hated her insufferable grandson , especially when she reminded you , in some indefinable way , of your own grandmother — but why should she explain any of that to this man ?
12 ‘ Did she make any comment about this man Eddie ? ’
13 Some woman journalist friend of his had a handicapped daughter and found she was entitled to virtually no help looking after her , whereas if she fostered someone else 's kid she got any number of handouts .
14 Oh she got any , what has she got on that trolley ?
15 At her show in Paris , she avoided any temptation to stand and redeliver her own original swashbuckling New Romantic look , which appears set to bubble back into fashion favour .
16 I mean the one is a classic one when she knew it was Scottish based that she passed any correspondence on
17 And if she adds any more biscuits to the regular quota she wo n't get through the door anyway .
18 Her throat would never produce a sound again if she shouted any louder .
19 When I want a change of scenery I 'll ask her if she wants any help .
20 ‘ If she wants any of her things … . ’
21 She wants any damn thing you 're prepared to give her , and that 's a crying shame , because she deserves a hell of a lot more than that . ’
22 He phoned , and I answered the phone look and erm he changed the story , he said if she wants any money I 'll let her have some .
23 Go and ask mummy if she wants any tea .
24 It would not do to have Miss Blagden imagine she bore any grudge .
25 Airily she dismissed any curiosity about his past .
26 She stroked any possible offence from the air in a good imitation of worldliness .
27 But i , does she know any of those people ?
28 Well sh , does she know any of these people ?
29 It is a happiness so mild and cool that it is like a kind of saintliness after passion : yet it is not satiety … for if she has any unhealth , it is from me ; and that more of her lips than in her heart . ’
30 She could also write down if she has any problems with any of these goals , or any spectacular successes ( like a new recipe or a new idea for places to shop for food ) .
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