Example sentences of "she [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 But even when she whispered them aloud the words had a hollow ring .
2 ‘ And I 've missed you as well , ’ she laughed , as she hugged them both .
3 do you want some posters for Gordon and Adam , well I can only lend you a couple of ones , but those might do if she turns them over
4 I do n't think she 's all that keen on them , and sometimes she kicks them all out , if it 's getting late and she wants to go to bed .
5 She flung them open , one , two , three , her heart hammering .
6 So saying , with all her strength she flung them at him , so that they scythed across his desk , scattering letters and papers .
7 ‘ She said she varnished 'em or summat . ’
8 She described how she walked around for months ‘ with a pain , almost a physical pain , in my heart ’ ; of how she avoided friends and pulled her hat over her face if she met them in the street ; of how , at last , she knew she must express her thousand emotions about her little grandchild in the way she knew best , in clay .
9 There was the man Jinny had seen before , with the cold blue eyes that almost made her shudder as she met them again , and there was a boy .
10 In life Kelly set herself the toughest challenges , and she met them head on .
11 Her own college , at first encounter , struck her as somewhat dimly conformist , with long brown corridors and an unexpectedly high proportion of young women apparently wrapped up in the triumphs of yesteryear on the hockey field or in the prefects ' Common Room , but even there she had discovered part of what she was looking for : in the persons of Liz Ablewhite ( now Headleand ) and Esther Breuer ( still Breuer ) she had discovered it , and rediscovered it there each time she met them , which was , these days , on average once a fortnight .
12 She sighed and relaxed and when his lips sought hers again she met them with matching urgency .
13 Ben looked into her eyes and she lowered them and turned her head away .
14 And so , during the holiday , Millie was again invited to tea , and on this visit she amused them , together with their other children , a twelve-year old son , and a five-year old daughter , when she gave them an imitation of the nuns , excelling herself when she touched on Sister Mary .
15 No , the only the only , the only milk that gets turned out is when she makes drinks , milky drinks she puts too much in the pan be be because she make them !
16 Nobody read them but Clara , and she read them only because she read everything .
17 Telling them to close their bibles , she read them two stories ; one about the beginnings of life , the other a warning on the dangers of immorality .
18 To read ; she read them greedily .
19 And she read them all and is n't that lovely ?
20 I am preparing papers for the relinquishment of the claim , but once she signs them she will be literally on the streets and penniless .
21 She had brought things to make their evening meal and she emptied them on to the work-counter : wine , cheese , spinach , onions , bread , the pink-white tines of a rack of lamb , as if all the promise of their future lay in the guarantee of such ordinariness being possible .
22 Laying her hands on his , she stilled them .
23 She pinned them bravely to the shoulder of her dress , touched the blooms lightly with her fingers and said to the room at large ,
24 Her mum came down the street steaming from the chip shop , and she rushed us inside and got me to make a pot of tea while she shared them all out between the three of us , and we all sat round their fire eating them .
25 She expected them to be ready , mounted , properly turned out and willing .
26 She would cook them all a good breakfast and make it clear that she expected them to be at the table on time .
27 She led them towards the kitchen , certain that Bella would make them welcome and throw another three or four collops of bacon into the pan .
28 Millie 's new mistress paused as if uncertain what to do next ; then turning quickly about , she led them from the kitchen into the hall and to the open front door again , and looked to where her children were all standing round the pony and cart .
29 She led them slowly through the graveyard to the burial site .
30 And she led them inside her house and through to her kitchen .
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