Example sentences of "she [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 The speculation , inevitably , was that Cat was Prince 's new girlfriend , but she insists that their relationship was strictly professional .
2 She insists that even with the provisions of such a charter the idea ‘ can only work out in reality if both partners , in fact , share [ the childcare ] , because there is not much point in allowing women the opportunity of going further up the ladder if they continue to have almost sole responsibility for childcare . ’
3 She insists that it was entirely benign .
4 She insists that we should see God primarily as all loving , and claims that ‘ ’ Love is his meaning'' and that we are all enfolded in that love .
5 She insists that she must speak to you . ’
6 In the autobiography of Alice B. Toklas she insists that this was ‘ just after Picasso finished painting Gertrude Stein 's portrait ’ .
7 Though we threaten her with a headline reading ‘ Real Labour candidates do n't eat muesli ’ she insists that it 's not for her own consumption .
8 She whispered that Klaus told her she must take the message from me after I 'd read it .
9 She whispered that the Devil hid behind the curtains , a red devil with a feathery red tail .
10 and she goes , she goes oh that ca n't be true , she goes , she goes that ca n't be true your just making up a load of bull cos you never went to the cinema , I thought oh
11 Or had she — again she experienced that persistent feeling niggling at the back of her mind that somewhere she 'd seen him before .
12 She admitted that Alan , who played Jason 's widowed father , and Ian , who appeared as her own step-father , were very close , but in a simply platonic way .
13 If she admitted that Ryan smoked her parents would probably break them up and she did n't want that .
14 However , she admitted that she had felt very miserable for 3 or 4 months .
15 Disconcerted , she admitted that she 'd only done this once before , that , in all honesty , I could probably do it equally well on my own .
16 She admitted that , ‘ even though you knew that what you said did n't matter ’ , it was a daunting experience ; in fact ‘ afterwards , counsel apologised for giving me such a hard time ’ .
17 The night before her operation Mrs Fellows was prescribed a sedative to help her relax and sleep because she admitted that she felt very nervous .
18 Encouraged , she admitted that she had been entrusted with their last £2000 , and had bought a houseboat , in point of fact , the barge Grace .
19 Reluctantly she admitted that she wanted to see him all the time .
20 After all the waiting for him he was here so unexpectedly , and she admitted that she simply wanted to look at him .
21 She did not trust the count even though she admitted that he had a strange effect on her .
22 In spite of her rage with him she admitted that she found him just about perfect to look at .
23 She admitted that she had been thrilled at the idea of being alone with him , but all he was going to do was be stiffly silent .
24 The thought made her frown , especially as she admitted that the feeling when she remembered was jealousy .
25 She had snapped at him again , and this time , remarkably , she admitted that he had n't deserved it .
26 Speculation that Prime Minister Jim Bolger might sacrifice the controversial architect of the cuts , Finance Minister Ruth Richardson , increased when , on Dec. 9 , she admitted that the government would be unable to meet its election promise of achieving a balanced budget by 1993-94 .
27 But now she admitted that she 'd simply been unaffected by them .
28 ‘ When I tackled Didi about it she admitted that she 'd taken it upon herself to bribe one of the hotel chambermaids , a girl she knew , to do both .
29 But she admitted that in the aftermath of the collision on Borough Road , Birkenhead she had feared the worst .
30 She met that terrible barrier , his stony face , and glared at him angrily .
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