Example sentences of "or two [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Now , thanks to hundreds , perhaps thousands of such requests , plus one or two boycotts , producers of cosmetics are learning the hard way that necessity is the mother of invention .
2 The most common permanent fence , and the easiest to erect , is the ‘ stake and wire cattle mesh ’ ( sometimes referred to as ‘ pig wire ’ ) with one or two strands of barbed wire above the mesh .
3 Double jacquard is usually knitted on a full needle rib arrangement ( all needles on both beds in working position , ribber on half pitch ) , using a fine yarn ( 2-ply or two strands or 2.30s ) on a standard gauge machine .
4 ‘ In about three minutes we shall have one or two bombs from the German mortars falling near here , ’ he remarked , as he started again on his steak and kidney .
5 But erm because I 've been out there doing this and that 's that was part of my if you like to come in to do the recruitment side of it , er I had to experience and I 'm glad I did because there were one or two pre-judgements I had about advertising sales , as most people do , erm that I had to get wiped out of my erm my my system .
6 There were one or two escapees from within his group , however .
7 Is there any task allocation at all — for example , do only one or two nurses give the insulin ?
8 One or two extractions , and three fillings .
9 ‘ One must n't take too much of a good thing , for money is easily spent ’ , said one of Beatrice Potter 's hosts , putting the cigarette she had offered him on the mantelpiece after one or two puffs , for the next night .
10 It was reported in the form of an ultimatum , and made the front page of one or two tabloids .
11 Thus , when there were only one or two dates for supposedly early mine sites , their relevance had to be interpreted with care .
12 So maybe you 'll end up doing er two life assurance pe two life assurance presentations or to P H I or two pensions and the benefit of that this way is that you all can see at least one presentation and one probing around a different product as opposed to the one you 're working with .
13 This might well be so with the control of aggression and of self-seeking behaviour ; I shall make one or two remarks about this question without pursuing it at length .
14 We close with one or two remarks on terminology and notation .
15 It is possible to start off with just one or two tags which control the main typographic elements but by the time page numbers , headers , footers , indexes , etc have been added the list can get unwieldy .
16 Since leaving Berlin Blake had had one or two scares when various West Germans had been arrested for spying and made allegations about him .
17 Sardonic and chilling by turns , Joyce harangued a small and often antagonistic group of bystanders , protected himself by one or two stalwarts of the League .
18 Most LDCs experience at regular intervals external current account ( deficit ) problems due to a lack of diversified exports and/or deteriorating terms of trade because many obtain more than 50 per cent of their export earnings from one or two products , e.g. Zambia regularly obtains over 90 per cent of its foreign exchange earnings from copper .
19 But I can do what I want , so perhaps it is possible to use one or two frames of a timpani shot to realize a particular moment in the music .
20 Some , but not all , automatically roll back the source tape at the beginning of each edit to offset the backspace and so produce edits which are accurate to within one or two frames .
21 Although recognising that many such ‘ Go , No-Go ’ decisions are made after a brief examination by one or two executives , he argues that more ‘ scientific ’ or ‘ realistic ’ comparative methods of assessment should be used .
22 Mark Prudhoe played extremely well and saved one certain goal , while one or two crosses went across the face of goal without anybody getting a touch . ’
23 But one or two boys every year venture into Greek in preparation for a Classics degree . ’
24 One or two exchanges will be sufficient initially .
25 Erm one problem I think is that you can you tend to look at letters I think sort of one or two letters together erm instead of trying to think of a whole word .
26 He walked to Hause Point twice a day and apart from that … he wrote one or two letters and delighted her father by franking one of his ; he waited for him to get a full free day so that they could go char fishing ; he declined all invitations and although he was irreproachably welcoming when Mr Skelton and his daughter made a surprise detour on one of their visits up the valley from Lorton to call in at the Fish , Mary thought that she could tell that he was happier to see them depart than he had been to see them arrive .
27 A period of just a few seconds was allowed for recall and if they could recall only one or two letters the subjects were asked to specify their position in the sequence .
28 Do you need one letter or two letters then ?
29 All monitors and TV sets give off high levels of electro-magnetic fields at all frequencies and there have been one or two studies that suggest these might be harmful .
30 Finding this out is not a matter of one or two studies but can take many years .
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