Example sentences of "or it [be] " in BNC.

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1 And let us help each other get this thing into perspective or it 's going to ruin our collaboration . ’
2 All I can say is , this is either bullshit , or it 's the biggest story in the history of mankind . ’ .
3 It may be alarmed the first time a bit is put in its mouth , or saddle is put on its back , or it 's girthed up , or mounted , but this anxiety can be ‘ undone ’ or prevented altogether by making sure that the horse is not hurt and by rewarding the horse at the same time .
4 Patrick landed across a rock , and lucky for him the ride was in to break his fall or it 's crippled he 'd be this minute .
5 It 's not really clear whether this is a symbiotic relationship of some kind , or it 's just that the Gobies find the corals a convenient place to sit .
6 DR ROBERT Answers Your Queries The big question this month is sound : it 's muffled ; it 's too directional ; it oscillates or it 's just not quite bluesy enough …
7 It took three and a half months and I was just wondering about it the whole time and I thought , ‘ Man , it 's either going to be so good that I 'm never going to want to play another guitar , or it 's going to suck .
8 ‘ Aquarius , Taurus , Leo and Scorpio figure very strongly in the Royal Family 's charts and very strongly in Diana 's , so when you get a powerful connection like that with marriage partners it can either be the most sensationally passionate ‘ I ca n't leave you alone for a minute ’ or it 's ice .
9 Not only do you have to keep an eye out for hidden switches to help you get across treacherous terrain but , hardest of all , you have a time limit to complete the game — exactly 60 minutes — or it 's curtains for the Prince .
10 But make no mistake , England need to produce a top-drawer performance tomorrow or it 's egg on the face time .
11 Either there 've been thirty-eight other Grandson Richards , and I do n't think that 's what it means , or it 's a newspaper human way of saying he 's thirty-nine years old .
12 If the comb is n't level , it may be because you did n't put it in symmetrically , or that the weights are n't positioned symmetrically , or it 's caught on the ribber , or you tied the end of the yarn to the clamp when you started .
13 The Sawdoctors claim ( or it 's claimed for them ) that they 're the voice of a young , rural Ireland .
14 Rumour has it this Achtung Baby thang actually lasts for an hour — the assembly is being treated to a full 36 minutes of footage. this either means that a lot of it is rubbish or it 's so blinking brilliant They could n't show the lot lest our brains exploded with pleasure .
15 Or it 's to hell in a handcart . ’
16 ‘ IBM needs to make something happen with OS/2 2.1 , or it 's facing the possibility of being a niche product for a very long time . ’
17 Worst of all , some tiles are inaccessible without forming a bridge with others — think on your toes and pair them off in the right order , or it 's back to the beginning .
18 Khovanshchina is so : you see what happens , someone is coming or someone is angry or unhappy or he 's making a political move or it 's coming from the heart .
19 It 's the easy way to learn or it 's easy , it 's easy way to understand and then learn the megiture .
20 Also now I tend , as you 've probably come to realise I 've tended to include specific types of bonding arrangements as a functional group for example , I call a carbon carbon double bond , I call that a functional group for the simple reason that that arrangement of bonds dictates the principle properties of those compounds and in that context I 'm then using the word group a bit more liberally instead of saying it 's a group of atoms which dictate the properties I 'll say it 's a group of atoms or it 's a special grouping of electrons , which dictate the properties .
21 . This is an alcohol it has an O H group so it is a butanole but you have to indicate where the O H group actually is it 's either on four or it 's on one .
22 If it 's fixed that means that you ca n't move it or it 's very problematic , it 's not going right , they do strapping , splints and plaster of paris as some of you have seen .
23 Because you 'd you could n't hold that much in your head so you have to try and break them down into little patterns of Oh it 's one of that lot or it 's one of this lot .
24 You do n't want to spoil Christmas , or it 's your sister 's birthday , or you 're afraid of your mum 's temper .
25 Or it 's true about the nurses John dates , and they seem to be a pretty typical crowd .
26 It wants its nappy changed , or it 's hungry .
27 Yes , either that , or it 's the work I 've been doing .
28 I mean , nobody 's there to back you up , if you need a , if you need any assistance , or it 's or the company 's not really bona fide then you 've got no comeback .
29 And the roofs that keep the snow for along time , do so either because the house is unoccupied or it 's pretty cold inside , or it 's got a well insulated loft .
30 Three pound fifteen shillings yeah and that 's how , that 's how the work went at that time but as I say these boatmen erm they used t they used to sit down on lock gates day in and day out and did n't have a ship to come in but I 've kno kno known them to row down the river at high tide or it 's before high tide and there 'd be another erm , there 'd be other boatmen there , one was called , he went down , he used to go down and get 'em going , there used to be a race between these two families or the and the first one got the boat , the first one roped it in you see , or wh what we call roping in , moor mooring the ship up , that was
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