Example sentences of "or [not/n't] a " in BNC.

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1 When there is an opportunity during training for the pilot to decide whether or not a situation is safe , they must be taught to assume that the worst will happen , and then to assess whether there is a risk or not .
2 The problem arises whenever we try to use conscious awareness as a dependent variable : for example , when we want to decide whether or not a particular external event leads to a phenomenal event .
3 I told him we were simply adapting the phrase from the social security regulations , where for years it has worked perfectly satisfactorily in deciding whether or not a worker should get benefit if he is laid off at another workplace from the one where a dispute is taking place .
4 Table 5 shows significant differences in outcome for women according to whether or not a male family member was consulted by the ASW .
5 Where relationship problems were primary no women were sectioned , whether or not a mental health problem was present .
6 Whether or not a particular form of radiation has any effect on a living creature depends upon three factors .
7 The combined effect of these provisions is that the question of whether or not a child has special educational needs depends not so much on the child 's specific needs considered in isolation , but rather on the appropriateness or otherwise of existing provision .
8 The current basis for determining whether or not a person is mentally handicapped is the IQ test .
9 A second argument designed to show that neutrality is chimerical claims that whether or not a person acts neutrally depends on the base line relative to which his behaviour is judged , and that there are always different base lines leading to conflicting judgments and no rational grounds to prefer one to the others .
10 To disclose whether or not a warrant has been issued in a particular case could establish means whereby those involved in serious crimes or espionage or subversion could learn the extent to which their activities had come to notice or — perhaps more damaging — could in some cases confirm whether their activities had come to notice at all .
11 While proteins themselves are synthesized in the cytoplasm , whether or not a protein is made is dependent on whether or not the gene that contains the information for that protein is active ( Chapter 5 ) .
12 Non measurable standards , that is ones where you can not be certain whether or not a specific desired result has been achieved tend to cause trouble since they are easily challenged .
13 Whether or not a refusal is unreasonable is more likely to depend upon subjective factors concerning you personally , such as your age , health and domestic circumstances , particularly if the latter mean that changes in your hours or place of work are unacceptable .
14 It is by no means rare for there to be confusion about whether or not a dismissal has actually taken place .
15 To determine the limits to care by examining the characteristics which affected whether or not a person was sustained in the community through the action project .
16 The development officer took the decision about whether or not a client needed a support worker by considering whether his or her basic needs ( for food , cleanliness , warmth , sleep , safety ) were being fulfilled , and if not , whether they could be fulfilled by existing informal or formal carers .
17 Unfortunately , however , this approach is not adequate , for although the samples were well matched ( see Table 2.3 ) , inevitably , because of the number of variables relevant to determining whether or not a person remains at home , they could not be perfectly matched .
18 The sensory attributes of an odour capable of measurement include its intensity , character , acceptability and detectability , all of which are relevant in deciding whether or not a particular odour amounts to a nuisance at law .
19 The latter requirement holds no difficulty , rather it is the former requirement which gives rise to difficulties because on occasions odour problems are complex , the source of the odour being difficult to identify , and it is not always possible to know whether or not a particular method of abatement will effect a cure in any given case .
20 This raises the evergreen question of whether or not a person 's will can be affected by hypnosis ?
21 Whether or not a new solution in region IV satisfies these conditions will generally depend both on the particular technique that is employed and also on the initial seed solution .
22 Whether or not a formal debate is held will depend on the purpose of the examination and a number of other factors , but it is obviously necessary to seek the client 's opinion before deciding the direction that a study should take once a number of problems have been identified .
23 ‘ It is now clearly ascertained that the present chartered body will not accept the terms which is understood have been proposed to them and for the information of the Governors of the Royal Veterinary College I shall feel much obliged by your informing me whether or not a Charter will be granted to them . ’
24 The continuations were classified as to whether or not a plural description was used which referred to the target individuals , or whether singular references were used .
25 For example , knowing whether or not a particular individual is a partner may prove crucial , especially with regard to the fact ( discussed below ) that partners may bind the other members of the firm to contracts and other acts .
26 It is not for us to decide whether or not a book is racist or obscene or seditious ; society has laid down laws to make such judgments and has conferred upon statutory bodies the power to advise and assess on such matters — however imperfect or fickle such institutions may appear in their assessments .
27 Parliament discarded the phrase ‘ those whose minds are open to such immoral influence ’ , with its overtones of whether or not a gentleman would let his servants read such and such a book , since the words ‘ deprave and corrupt ’ already carried the sense of ‘ immoral influence ’ , together with a tacit assumption that writings or other works of the imagination could have the effect of tending to make men wicked .
28 For the rules apply throughout the Community , and many of the company law and competition rules apply irrespective of whether or not a company is engaged in interstate transactions .
29 A different form of control liability will , however , apply if the dominant undertaking — whether or not a shareholder — has formalised its relationship with the public company concerned by a control contract which provides for it to manage the company and in which it offers the minority shareholders a buy-out or , at the shareholders ' option , to pay them an annual protected dividend .
30 Whether or not a concentration is of a ‘ Community dimension , is an important question and determines whether or not the concentration will be subject to the scrutiny of Community or domestic authorities .
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