Example sentences of "or [art] long " in BNC.

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1 If you are caring for an elderly parent who is at some stage of grieving for a lost partner , whether she is experiencing the shattering despair that follows soon after bereavement , or the long sad loneliness and feeling of deprivation characteristic of its later stages , her deepest need will be for your practical and emotional support during her period of sorrow and adjustment .
2 Preston would have preferred him in his cloth cap with the old woolly cardigan he used to wear , or the long grey mac .
3 Should we do the short route 7 or the long 7 The long , of course !
4 ‘ I lived in Manchester , and I must admit I do n't miss the terminally grey days or the long winter nights . ’
5 However the narrative of Henshall 's work appeals to sentiment , the flushed face of the child here denotes ill-health as does her inert pose over the knee of her grandfather , whose exhausted face and poverty-stricken surroundings indicate that there is no help in the short or the long term .
6 of course that is a point that we 've made all the way through , it 's not if nobody would bid , it 's if the franchising director was not satisfied with the quality or the long term viability of the bids he 'd received
7 Enjoy the first flowers of Spring or the last leaves of Autumn — on the longest night or the longest day !
8 Gentle walks include those over on Panorama Way , or the longer stroll over to Pengelstein .
9 Whether the periodic day courses or the longer , residential courses , both seemed to generate a genuine fraternal feeling amongst Art teachers from a large geographical area .
10 In general , rate cards are constructed so that the larger the space or the longer the commercial , the lower the cost per column centimetre or per second .
11 This fuller appreciation may result from a short or a long article , even occasionally some unexpected insight or well-phrased judgement ; but it will not come from a brief comment off the cuff , an item of gossip , or a mere listing .
12 It was either a passage or a long , thin room , a stone-walled storage space lined with gunpowder plot-style wooden barrels .
13 The best kind of flat is one that is above ground floor level and has its own entrance , providing that you do not gain access to your entrance up an unlit staircase or a long , dark walkway .
14 This should preferably be a fairly recent period of relative stability : since the base period is acting as a point of reference , it would be inappropriate to choose a period in which the price level was affected by any abnormal events , such as a war or a long dock strike which created a serious shortage of imported goods .
15 Delayed increases in rotation rate have not previously been observed in glitches in any pulsar , on either a short or a long timescale .
16 Approximately 3 per cent of those aged 65 and over live in some form of institution , either a residential home , nursing home or a long stay hospital bed .
17 Possibly they 'd find a good space , like a bridge , or a long low wall , to get all that in .
18 ‘ Put into the language of today , the general principle being there stated is simply that , unless the contrary is expressly enacted or so plainly implied that the courts must give effect to it , United Kingdom legislation is applicable only to British subjects or to foreigners who by coming to the United Kingdom , whether for a short or a long time , have made themselves subject to British jurisdiction .
19 First , and most important , is the type of product you wish to produce ; is it a short document or a long one , does it include illustrations or photographs , what methods are currently used to produce it , and so on .
20 It will work best in a high-ceilinged room or a long , narrow one .
21 Dysphagia or , occasionally , more atypical complaints related to the upper gastrointestinal tract developing in young patients with a history of lymphoma warrants suspicion , even in the absence of specific symptoms , enlarged lymph nodes , or a long disease free interval .
22 Racist chanting is a no-no ( although I reserve the right to call anyone a black b*st*rd … etc , just I would call someone a fat b*st*rd or a long haired gippo b*st*rd ) .
23 Law as integrity is also a non-skeptical theory of legal rights : it holds that people have as legal rights whatever rights are sponsored by the principles that provide the best justification of legal practice as a whole Pragmatism , on the contrary , denies that people ever have legal rights ; it takes the bracing view that they are never entitled to what would otherwise be worse for the community just because some legislature said so or a long string of judges decided other people were .
24 A favourite or a long shot ?
25 And then you have to explain it to the person opposite you , or a long distance phone call , and say how you , , and this , because there was a colour done what I 've said , he said my colour 's completely different , and you 've propose all those colour bits , but
26 The author of the book had argued that evolution was a product of desire : a wingless animal , unconsciously , wants to fly — it wills a wing , a pair or wings , or a longer neck to reach the trees , or swifter legs to escape its predators .
27 Battle offers all the pleasures of a small country town — for a day out , a week-end or a longer holiday .
28 Interleukin-2 is a new treatment therapy which can offer many people suffering from solid tumours their main hope of improved health or a longer life .
29 For example , a firm could offer better after-sales service for a microcomputer or a longer guarantee for a television ; it could waive delivery charges for a new table or throw in a set of free wine glasses with the purchase of petrol .
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