Example sentences of "as though a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's not as though a gentleman would only bring one or two pairs of shoes with him to a house-party . ’
2 All around them the shoulders of the hills were browned by the fading of the heather , dulled by the weakening sunshine , their expanses turned dusty-blank as though a great grinding had sifted down on them , decades of labour and hardship , and left them blinded .
3 He hated definitions of apostolic succession which made it sound as though a lot of laying on of hands from century to century was a bit of magic by which God preserves his Church .
4 Much of Souza 's work can be interpreted as a sort of attack on the mixed nature of his upbringing , as though a restless and pugnacious way with paint might overcome all circumstances and proclaim the painter alone .
5 They were all built around the 1720s and all have bold keystones and this dramatic and sometimes swooping raised centre : as though a countrified Vanbrugh or Thomas Archer had been at work .
6 It 's not as though a wolf can say , ‘ Yo Bunny !
7 He looked as though a cannonball had hit him amidships and left him with a hollow chest and a permanent arch in his back .
8 Approaching the boulder at the entrance , with the delicate layered stones fanning from it , he noticed that the ground seemed blacker than before , as though a very recent fire had been lit .
9 This , the first word Mungo had ever heard him utter , other than the mysterious ‘ lymenner ’ , came as rather a shock , as though a pillar-box had suddenly spoken .
10 I had a peculiar feeling : it seemed as though a great golden salmon leapt up inside me , full of life and courage .
11 It therefore looks as though a decade in which her political nerves had always been stretched was succeeded by a dangerous level of confidence when the situation became apparently so much safer ; she was no longer walking a tightrope , and she now walked too boldly on the ground .
12 IT WAS as though a great weight had been removed from sagging shoulders .
13 It was as though a giant hand were pushing me downward until my knees hit the floor .
14 It was as though a voice had actually said the words aloud , and she moved sharply and leaned against the window to stare blankly at the room .
15 I tried to move , but could not , it was as though a band gripped my body , and another band was tied about my face .
16 It seems as though a slammed door would level the city .
17 It was as though the river had suddenly died ; as though a mysterious lethal pollution had struck and wiped out all life .
18 There was a rushing sound as though a speeding train were charging towards them .
19 Outside , the storm howled about the house as though a pack of wild wolves were trying to get in .
20 The person repeatedly sets up situations so that they are caught and , figuratively , kicked as though a Kick Me sign were pinned on their back .
21 To my dismay , the sexual charge between us had disappeared as though a switch had been thrown .
22 Then , as they came out onto an open stretch of bitten turf at the foot of the hill where the rabbits were running , as though a signal had been given a universal clamour broke out , a clatter , a din of singing , from the unseen roof-tops of the village behind them , from the beeches on the Down , from the ash trees that stood like singing poles in the hedgerows along the hollow track , from every tree it seemed of the whole vast forest birds were singing and singing and demanding to be heard .
23 It was as though a stream had been damned in the heart of the forest and had gradually widened out making the centre of the great bowl they were trying to cross into a swamp .
24 There was some dark object on the ground from which every now and again it seemed as though a piece of wood rose hesitantly and fell .
25 She has smooth , soft skin which glows softly as though a candle were just below the surface .
26 It was only to Pam that I admitted to feeling guilty and ashamed of the wave of relief I felt at her funeral , as though a weight had been lifted from my shoulders .
27 We warmed our hands as though a sudden chill had come upon us at the mention of his name .
28 Suddenly , we all heard a loud bang from the back bedroom of the second cottage , as though a door had been slammed hard .
29 YOUR mouth tastes as though a small , furry animal has crept into it and died .
30 Eyewitness Terry Shaylor , 19 , an assistant at nearby Polkyth News , said the area ‘ looks as though a bomb has hit it ’ .
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