Example sentences of "as two [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And so sudden , the breakdown , the feelable absence of all agreement , of all consensus — except for that money-hate or anger you get when cities wedge their rich and poor as close as two faces of a knife …
2 It was never properly looked after and could sometimes have as much as two inches of muddy water in it — enough for a child to drown in if he fell over .
3 SCOTTISH Homes tenants in Tweeddale face a five-week election campaign as two landlords bid for control of their houses .
4 It has been seen that the bare infinitive is used whenever the two events are represented as coinciding in time , either as two actualities ( after full verbs and auxiliary do ) or as two potentialities ( after the modal auxiliaries ) .
5 In addition there are several small pieces including the remarkable Deux marches et un intermède as well as two Concertos , the Concert champêtre for harpsichord in the famous account by Aimée van de Wiele , and the Concerto for Two Pianos played by the composer and Jacques Février .
6 ‘ You 're smart as two brass buttons .
7 As two molecules approach each other , their electron clouds mutually repel .
8 The performances are recordings and uniformly excellent , and the music certainly did n't deserve its half century of neglect , So one hopes that Harmonia Mundi will give us more Zeisl : there are Sonatas for violin , viola and cello , a goodly quantity of songs , and a fair amount of orchestral music , as well as two operas and three ballets .
9 We crouched down in the trench and drank our tea , listening to the crump , crump as two mortar shells exploded close by .
10 The crimps were of course very active and I was told at the time that they would be paid as much as two pounds for every man whom they recruited .
11 But if Eurocrats in Brussels get their way , a pint of scrumpy could cost as much as two pounds fifty .
12 It was built originally as two cottages , and one of the most striking features of the house is that the ceiling at the front is at a different level to that at the back .
13 The polymerase chain reaction was pioneered for diagnostic use , and the detection of as few as two genomes of M tuberculosis in clinical samples is now possible .
14 The majority , 77 per cent , agree or strongly agree with the statement that : ‘ A single parent can bring up children just as well as two parents . ’
15 Your ICM poll results reveal that the statement , ‘ A single parent can bring up children as well as two parents , ’ is accepted by 77 per cent of the people polled .
16 Surely what is relevant is the response to the statement , ‘ Single parents bring up children as well as two parents ’ , a vastly different proposition .
17 Thus was born the idea of the W particle , which , according to the latest versions of the theory , should weigh in at some 85 times the proton 's mass , just as two teams at CERN found earlier this year .
18 We agreed that without our set we felt as out of touch as two visitors from outer space .
19 Will licking the soil do her any harm and will I need to worm her more often as two ponies go in the paddock as well ?
20 At worst they see the future as two motorway lanes blocked with slow lorries with just the outside lane for the car driver .
21 Note that both a primary and secondary media item are required for offlining purposes as two copies are taken ( one on each ) before a module is considered offline .
22 She was the daughter of a Wesleyan minister who never earned more than £160 a year , but who brought up five daughters ( as well as two sons ) , and saw one of the daughters married to Rudyard Kipling 's father , another to Edward Burne-Jones , a third to another painter , Edward Poynter , later president of the Royal Academy , and a fourth to Alfred Baldwin .
23 In Manchester , a deaf tramp who had roamed the country for 9 years was arrested as a spy because he had 55 Ordnance Survey maps in his possession , as well as two compasses and twenty crisp £1 notes .
24 Her donation was revealed last night as two voice experts gave verdicts on a recording said to feature Diana chatting intimately to a man on the phone .
25 The skin on the face was deeply wrinkled all over , but the eyes were as bright as two stars .
26 Once a fire has started , you could have as little as two minutes to get out before heat or toxic fumes overcome you .
27 Four other pupils and a teacher were injured as well as two canoe instructors when they all capsized on a trip from Lyme Regis to Charmouth .
28 At first John imagined that this was relief food on its way to a Commissariat depot , for it was guarded by a large body of troops , about eighty infantry and fifty cavalry as well as two field guns and their crews — half on one bank , half on the other .
29 When they set off the following year on a tour of Australia and New Zealand , William , as well as two nannies and acres of baggage , went too .
30 Leaving aside the imagery , he maintained : ‘ We have set our objectives for this season 's championship as two wins out of four and that remains the realistic target .
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