Example sentences of "as he thought " in BNC.

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1 As Engels noted , women contribute differentially to the processes of production in different types of society but the contribution of women in the production of the most important goods of the society does not necessarily give them a high status as he thought .
2 Jack grew dizzy as he thought of it , seeing them sitting with tall glasses on a shady patio and , strangely , seeing them too as they were now , untouched by the hand of time .
3 Sister Cooney looked at him with a polite , questioning smile and waited for him to continue or change the subject , as he thought fit .
4 Counsel said that there was evidence that Palmer liked to cuddle and play with the baby and how proud he was to be the baby 's father , as he thought .
5 Tony Visconti explains why , although he was making an album with David at the time , he refused to produce the ‘ Space Oddity ’ single as he thought it was passè because the moon shot was about to take place , and the lyrics ‘ sounded like a nick from Simon and Garfunkel ’ .
6 The bill put forward by President Bush in May 1989 went as far as he thought wise in loading new burdens on to industry .
7 But he did not mean that a bishop was utterly free to act and think as he thought fit .
8 They both stared at the water with reluctance stamped all over their faces , then Sam 's cleared as he thought of a more palatable solution .
9 For a moment his heart sank , as he thought she might be cancelling their meeting .
10 As part of his attempts to Germanise and , as he thought , civilise Hungary , he had the crown brought to Vienna , having refused to be crowned , thereby avoiding the traditional oath to uphold the rights and privileges of the Hungarian nobility who , by this time , had become exclusively identified as ‘ the Nation ’ .
11 Mr Moores said the manager had been worried for some time that he was not feeling as well as he thought he should .
12 At the time Mitchell felt a little embarrassed by the Nobel Prize , as he thought scientific effort was essentially collaborative .
13 He looked around hoping to find any sign of the Bookman but , as he thought , there was nothing .
14 He frowned sharply as he thought again about those particular questions .
15 He felt sick as he thought about them .
16 Mike , beginning to feel some exhilaration as he thought about the piece he would now have to write , and write bloody fast , pushed the thought away .
17 For the rest , the bailiff pretended to consult him , then did as he thought best .
18 As he thought this he felt in his heart a voiceless nameless twinge , like a tiny spark , which he chose to identify as a signal , which very rarely came through , from his ancestors who had lived in the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw .
19 Morgan twirled his cigar between his thick stubby fingers as he thought about it .
20 He never hit a bad shot off the tee ; it just did n't come back as far as he thought it would .
21 One night he heard a loud noise in the yard , looked out and saw a black person apparently being whipped — as he thought , to death .
22 He smiled to himself as he thought about this question .
23 He gave a little sigh of resignation as he thought of it : to continue the search he would have to go to Italy .
24 Henry 's hands tightened on the wheel as he thought about Karim Jackson 's letter .
25 ‘ Let's have a drink ! ’ said Henry as he thought this .
26 But no , even as he thought this , he realized the hopelessness of the task ahead of him .
27 Retirement was n't as good an idea as he thought it was going to be .
28 Pennethorne produced detailed drawings and an estimate , but Hall ‘ took great objections to them ’ as he thought that many rooms and passages were badly lit .
29 ‘ Coleman 's duties with the Ordnance were to examine for soundness all ‘ recruit ’ horses , advise on the treatment of disease , inspect at outstations , bringing in such cases as he thought necessary for treatment at Woolwich , to lecture occasionally to the officers , artillery cadets and farriers , and to direct the shoeing . ’
30 A sly grin crossed his face as he thought of an alternative billet in which to spend what remained of the night .
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