Example sentences of "as one have " in BNC.

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1 I swung the club again and the ball shot off much as one had always imagined bats flee hell .
2 ‘ Mac , ’ as of course he was known , would promise to bring down the wrath of almighty God on them if he found them in the Trocadero , Elephant and Castle , when they should be ‘ capable of , and available for work , ’ as one had to be in those days .
3 These men were like Platonic ideas : they were not life as one had already begun to know it .
4 Most of the time one was all right — or at least as all right as one had ever been — and then out of the blue it struck , a hideous uprush of fear , of longing , of shame .
5 Even approaching his workzone was hazardous , as one had to pick one 's way through suspended diving gear and disassembled bicycles over a floor awash with chartpaper .
6 Cautious of it , of course , as one had to be in any den of thieves where pickpockets and cut-purses abounded .
7 One could not doze easily as one had done in Matt Stukely 's day for there was something too insistently personal in this new parson 's efforts to reach them ; yet they had remained stolidly unreached till now when the fervour of his exhortation spoke to them as with an angel 's tongue .
8 So many that , er yeah , so many of them that soon as one 's sold somebody else sells another one .
9 Lindsey recognised the medication as one having been proved to be most beneficial in cases like Mr Baker 's where it was a matter of offering relief rather than a cure .
10 I have to admit Mr Graham has a point here , but all I can say is that after one has been in the profession as long as one has , one is able to judge intuitively the depth of a man 's professionalism without having to see it under pressure .
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