Example sentences of "as be part " in BNC.

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1 We can think of this pattern of cell activities as being part of the embryo 's developmental programme .
2 The growth of the schools/industry movement and the advent of new organisations such as UBI and SCIP ( School Curriculum Industry Partnership ) in the late 1970s provided the real stimulus for the development of the teacher placement schemes , which were now geared more towards the positive use of industrial experience in the educational process , and accepted as being part of the further professional development of a teacher .
3 The TPS is perceived by head teachers and business people as being part of a package of school/business activities .
4 Does this difference constitute a part of the variable capital or should it be considered as being part of the social surplus-value ?
5 Heinsch saw sacred geometry and what he called sacred geography as being part of a continuum stretching out from the structure and form of the building into the surrounding countryside .
6 The one organization which one would expect workers would see as being part of their own world ( one of the ‘ us ’ ) would be trade unions .
7 A dish in any Pacific city east of the longitude of Mexico City — Lima , say , or Quito , or Santiago — will be cranked down in the direction of an equally low point on the eastern horizon — for just as American naval vessels involved in exercises off the Pacific coasts of Peru , Ecuador or Chile are regarded as being part of the US Atlantic Fleet , so communicators , for reasons of pure geometry , think of these countries ' capital cities as part of the Atlantic communications network .
8 As we noted in Chapter 2 many unions regarded themselves as being part of a socialist-oriented labour movement directed towards a fundamental reconstruction of society .
9 Firth , Hubert and Forge report that their middle-class respondents almost always named grandchildren as well as children as being part of their close family .
10 The three major trials mentioned by the authors as being part of the second wave — those of International Times ( November 1970 ) , The Little Red Schoolbook ( March 1971 ) and OZ 28 ( June 1971 ) all occurred before the publication of The Longford Report or the launch of the Festival of Light , put forward as being part of the first wave .
11 The three major trials mentioned by the authors as being part of the second wave — those of International Times ( November 1970 ) , The Little Red Schoolbook ( March 1971 ) and OZ 28 ( June 1971 ) all occurred before the publication of The Longford Report or the launch of the Festival of Light , put forward as being part of the first wave .
12 Wouters ' dilemma is that the changes identified as being part of the process of informalisation appear to involve declining rather than increasing levels of ‘ affect control ’ .
13 Backed happily by Safeguard , Rabbit can afford to expand on the back of acquisitions , which the firm points to as being part of its growth policy , whether such acquisitions be based on product or on sales/marketing synergies , in the US and in Europe .
14 Although garden steps do n't have to conform to Building Regulations , steps which lead from the house to the patio are designated as being part of the house , so they do .
15 Even if you take just a small step aside from total racialism , then you 're described as being part of a communist mafia .
16 It is very well known that dreams often contain elements — visual or ideational — that can be identified as being part of the previous day 's experiment .
17 I see the form tutor one as being now we 've got hold of record of achievement as being part of the developmental process of a record of achievement , now our youngsters know what a personal statement is , form tutors are happier with a joint statement it 's taken us four years
18 If I could illustrate from two medieval theologians , the two traditions following them in the Tomas tradition righteousness and the moral law of God is seeing is seen as being part of the very being of God himself .
19 And , finally , a party which had seen itself as being part of a process of international socialist revolution , linked with the Russian revolution of nineteen seventeen , becomes a party which is primarily a party of Chinese nationalism .
20 The conspiracy theory of racism makes sense of a particular social reality : it is because the police force , which is supposed to uphold justice and protect ethnic minorities from racist attacks , is itself responsible for so much of the violence and injustice suffered by black communities that it is experienced as being part of the same oppressive system as the gang of white unemployed youth who are beating up people on the street .
21 Whilst the generation of numerically controlled tapes for production is usually separated off as being part of CAM , it is really the machine-readable part of the tertiary design phase .
22 You 're aware that on this side of the room Ryedale have stated in terms in their proof that they do not perceive this land as being part of the open countryside .
23 1825 " The Presses of this meeting , as being part owner of the Steam Boat , declines allowing the assessment for the Steam Boat to be charged for this year .
24 The others feel that they can do without God in their lives ; they feel that He is irrelevant ; they want to follow false gods , like a good life , lots of material benefits , short-term happiness , and all the things which the Bible describes as being part of the ‘ broad way ’ .
25 The possibility of travel is an obvious attraction , as is the added dimension of being a soldier rather than just a chef , as well as being part of a large professional organisation and the camaraderie that brings .
26 His meeting with those he eventually took hostage in San José was reported as being part of his negotiation with the Honduran government , mediated by Fishman , over the return of two Hondurans who had " disappeared " eight years previously .
27 All can be interpreted as being part of a social optimality approach .
28 Whereas the above section was described as being part of the social optimality tradition , this section has elements firmly rooted in the public choice tradition .
29 Similarly , at the other end of the spectrum , it is possible that transfer receipts may alter attitudes such that being a ‘ contributor ’ to the economic process ceases to be viewed as being part of society .
30 Even before the 1977 Act , computer programs were not generally patentable per se , but there have been cases , both in the United Kingdom and in the United States , where computer programs have been granted patents indirectly , usually as being part of a piece of machinery or an industrial process .
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