Example sentences of "as it does " in BNC.

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1 The importance of the protestant variant should not be underestimated given the extent of religious practice and the power of religious men within the protestant — loyalist bloc and the grave importance of conceiving of one 's position as absolutely irreproachable , depending as it does on a divine source .
2 Yet at the same time there is work done upon it , he wrote , and which remains , as it does not in the mind .
3 ‘ I do n't suppose it matters in the Foreign Office as much as it does in some other spheres .
4 Eat self-blanching celery as soon as possible as it does not keep well for long periods .
5 When a glider is on the ground it does not pivot around its c.g. as it does in flight .
6 Leonard 's poem , ‘ Out Of The Land Of Heaven ’ majestically captures that noble spirit , as it does the depth and beauty of human love and the song to which it gives birth .
7 On the contrary , it exposes the explanatory weakness of the Muller Doctrine , if it is offered as an advance in our understanding of the origin of different modalities of sensation , of why the world feels as it does ; and , even more , if it is offered as an account of our being able to feel the world at all .
8 This derives not so much from the basic raw material — barley that has been malted — or the seasoning of hop flowers , as it does from the top-fermenting yeasts used in the making of ales ( as opposed to the bottom type employed in lagers ) .
9 Crime and Punishment naturalizes the mystic brazenness of Sonya 's statement , as it does Porfiry 's ‘ You ca n't get on without us ' .
10 That English tradition of the amateur is of course a long one , and by no means ignoble , reaching back as it does through John Morley to Walter Bagehot , to Burke , to Addison , and so all the way to Philip Sidney and the Renaissance all-round man .
11 Labour was moving on as a renewed party — ‘ a party that cares as much about consumers as it cares about producers ; a party that wants to make the economy work as much as it wants to change the economy ; a party that embraces as much of the green as it does of the red ’ .
12 In its defence , Smurfit would say that it is an international company and it should pay as much intention to its US hinterland as it does to London .
13 This is tougher than it first looks as it does not cover news , sport , game-shows or teletext services .
14 This is far too broad a question for us to seek to answer on our own , even if we wished to , affecting as it does everyone who hopes to enter higher education , their parents and their future employers ; but it is imperative that the debate should be joined .
15 And however silly it might sound to take so slight a fragment of the story , the possibility of doing so says perhaps as much about the richness of the opera as it does about the interests of the listener .
16 These show that it takes Dagenham nearly twice as long to produce a Sierra car as it does Ford 's Genk plant in Belgium .
17 Restaurants : Dutch cuisine is rich and creamy and comes in large portions ; pork does not dominate as it does in West Germany .
18 Although it is a means of asserting authority , coming as it does at the start of the shift , parade is very relaxed and , from the point of view of the ordinary constables , serves as a way of casually reorientating themselves to the demands of work .
19 But the play also acknowledges quite clearly that what is at stake is nothing less than the legitimacy of the whole social order , hinging as it does on a ‘ naturally ’ sanctioned law of sexual difference .
20 This book has a symbiotic relationship with Professor Stone 's earlier volume , The Family , Sex and Marriage in England 1500–1800 , drawing heavily as it does on the idea of the emergence of affective individualism in family relationships and its link to the rise in marital unhappiness during both the eighteenth and the twentieth centuries .
21 This is a highly unusual painting in a number of ways , not least because no such royal portrait could ever have existed , including as it does , and on almost equal status with the king , the figure of his ambitious minister the Count-Duke of Olivares .
22 At £13,000 plus options ( like the CD ) , this is , short of the cabrio , the Escort/Orion flagship — thank heavens it has as much going for it as it does .
23 Without the work of these dedicated men and women the Church could not progress as rapidly as it does .
24 If in the year 2000 the EC is able to pass these tests as well as it does today , but on the altogether higher plane which 1992 implies , the rest of Europe , like the rest of the world , will have cause to be grateful .
25 Mr David Mellor , the Home Office Minister with responsibility for broadcasting , said the Government could have directly appointed members as it does with the BBC and the ITC , but decided — after pressure from Channel 4 — not to do so .
26 In the West , a populist right , linked to neo-fascim , was ‘ willing to use racism , as it does already in the northern industrial towns , and the overcrowding which will occur if there is a large influx from East Germany .
27 So , I write , as well as this diary , some of my new novel ( a killer , this one , dealing as it does with post-Holocaust survivors ' guilt ; why do I set myself these agonies ? ) and start pinch-hitting for Gloria Hunniford on Radio Two .
28 He wanted to do a bit before New York and it worked because before the tour started , there was very little interest in New York , but it sold out in Cleveland which we knew it would , and both shows were great , by which time word got back to New York instantly , as it does , and by the time the show at Carnegie Hall happened , it was sold out .
29 Britain 's Overseas Development Administration has its Manual of Environmental Appraisal which will presumably apply as much to East Europe as it does to the Third World .
30 In some ways , a comparison between Nissan and Toyota in America and Nissan in Britain reveals as much about those two countries as it does about the firms .
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