Example sentences of "as [to-vb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Some of them had already run and spread in such a way as to lose their identity .
2 They have achieved much of what they sought concerning changes in documents which affect their everyday lives , so as to accommodate their new life-style .
3 For example , a coastline is a curve whose length ( between any two points ) increases when measured more accurately so as to include its ever-finer convolutions round bays , headlands , cliffs , boulders rocks , pebbles , etc , and on any reasonably simple model the length is infinite .
4 If the worst effects of LMS are to be avoided and its potential benefits realised for teachers and their pupils then teachers must ensure that the decision-making process in their school operates in such a way as to enable their full participation .
5 On our way to the single market , is it not time to give a healthy nudge to the metrication programme so as to enable our manufacturers and exporters to compete more fairly with our continental rivals ?
6 This Meeting consider this a great hardship , Lint being a staple article of the Island they therefore wish Shawfield may have the Goodness to order matters upon such a footing as to enable his Tenantry to put their manufacture to the best avail . "
7 Design and manufacture products so as to optimise their environmental performance , including considering the environmental effects when sourcing raw materials .
8 The problem in cultivating horseradish is not so much how to make it grow well , as to curb its enthusiasm and stop it taking over the garden .
9 In order to accommodate its growing occupant , the shell must enlarge in such a way as to preserve its original form .
10 The difficulties arise in attempting to devise a formula that will distribute the grant so as to equalise its effects on the needs and resources of all local authorities .
11 We 're trying , of course , to position ourselves so as to fool our competitors into delaying or cancelling their capacity increases .
12 ( 1 ) To present some of the simpler properties of the sets Z and Q[x] in such a manner as to emphasise their similarities ( and their differences ! ) .
13 In their efforts to impress the United States , the Romanians went so far as to compare their position vis-à-vis the Kremlin with Cuba 's in relation to Washington .
14 As Jaq questioned Meh'Lindi yet again so as to compare her impressions with his , a sickening realization about the probable nature of the hydra dawned on him .
15 Yet he was to say that the entire enterprise of The Cantos was undertaken so as to uncover the reasons why war happens , so as to preclude its happening again .
16 ‘ From the case cited [ Morgan v. Palmer , 2 B. & C. 729 ] in the course of the argument it is shown that the principle has been laid down that , where one exacts money from another and it turns out that although acquiesced in for years such exaction is illegal , the money may be recovered as money had and received , since such payment could not be considered as voluntary so as to preclude its recovery .
17 In man , mammals and birds , however , sound is a major method of communication , while fish use alteration of their colour patterns to communicate their moods , as well as to indicate their status .
18 The people backing it ‘ bunkered ’ ( disappeared with the money ) and as Producer Tiller felt morally bound to pay off all the artistes himself as well as to find their return fares .
19 try reaching a compromise or give way on one ( lesser ) risk so as to obtain your teenager 's agreement to forego another one .
20 I was not quite so lacking in worldly wisdom , however , as to accept his invitation , whereupon he gave me his card — but I did not pursue the acquaintance .
21 The idea is that they feed the other side with what appears to be genuine material so as to establish their credibility and then the other side asks them to do things for them on their own home ground .
22 LEEDS opened and finished this Regal Trophy second-round game at Headingley with tries of such quality as to mollify their followers for all the dross in between .
23 The scum kid seemed about to fit the mask to his own face so as to hide his savage features … or to become , for a few moments , the reflexion of Lexandro who lived such an unimaginable , foreign life .
24 He stood up and walked to the window of the cold , cold room , putting aside with contempt his lifelong habit of arranging to be seated so as to hide his size when he was about to say anything that interested him .
25 We listen and pay attention when it says something in such a way as to attract our attention .
26 Otherwise you are likely to find that your puppy will continue in this manner so as to attract your attention .
27 It is important to leave yourself enough time before the wedding in order to give much consideration as to what you would like to say , to do any research necessary , as well as to write your speech and to perform any last minute pruning .
28 For example , when we say ‘ genes are trying to increase their numbers in future gene pools ’ , what we really mean is ‘ those genes that behave in such a way as to increase their numbers in future gene pools tend to be the genes whose effects we see in the world ’ .
29 They include restructuring drift angles of injector wells through the reservoir so as to increase their verticality to enhance thermal fracturing .
30 The fact that a deceased 's widow would have given up work to start a family but for the deceased 's death is not a matter to be taken into account so as to increase her dependency on the deceased from the date that she would have given up work ( Malone v Rowan [ 1984 ] 3 All ER 402 ) .
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