Example sentences of "had always [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Ada Gaily complained , had always complained , loud and long and bitterly , against the tenor of her life .
2 Indeed I pointed out to the Court that one year earlier , at the time of the National Bank Dispute , the Bank of Ireland were at pains to separate the Bank Assistant 's Claim from the main Claim which they had always stated was debarred by the P.E.S.P.
3 As he had always suspected , she was just waiting and watching for an opportunity to rip him to pieces .
4 The news provoked among Zuwaya an instant recognition of necessary truth : they had always suspected something of the kind .
5 Murder was to make him something he had always suspected he might be , but had never dreamed of becoming — interesting .
6 They told him what he had always suspected : Diana was determined to walk out of the marriage .
7 Esler Dening commented that he had always suspected that the Americans had not appreciated the full significance of what they had taken on in Korea ; it appeared that they were unwilling to accept the consequences of being located in an area of Soviet predominance and it would be regrettable in its implications elsewhere if the United States retreated .
8 I had always suspected him of being rather more solid than the average person and this collision provided complete confirmation .
9 Not that Luke needed any sartorial props ; he was just naturally sensuously exciting as she had always suspected , and now knew to her cost .
10 She had always suspected that he 'd had little time for any brain power that she might possess — just as she had always known that her chief value for him had been the almost instantaneous sexual desire they had felt for each other .
11 When Ma died , he had always planned to break away completely , give up this life and build a new one .
12 Claire had always planned to set up her own practice and she left Coopers in December 1989 , when she was expecting her first child .
13 The Foreign Secretary , Francis Pym , who had always appeared a rather reluctant supporter of Thatcherite policies , was sacked and his place was taken by Geoffrey Howe .
14 Spencer had always appeared to conform , he wore neat clothes and acted the gentleman .
15 What she meant was she had always appeared so caring to all of them in the house .
16 Florence Ames wanted them to meet , as they had always met so regularly , sharing a common isolation never expressed .
17 This alliance had always embraced Prussia , and had lately reincorporated Austria-Hungary , in the Dreikaiserbund .
18 It seemed to come from another world of reference , an older , ordinary world , of platitude and cliché , of pattern and familiar family ties , a world that she had thought they had never entered , for many good reasons never entered : and now here was Charles himself , invoking its terms , as though it had been there always , as though they had always inhabited its domain .
19 I was very unhappy there , away from the love and warmth Madame had always given me , and the love affair that accompanied the change soon turned cold : Alan exhibited a certain kind of treachery , casually throwing me over for someone else who ‘ was better in bed ’ .
20 But they had never mentioned these despicable attacks to me ; they had kept cheerful faces and shown me all the love and care they had always given me , their prodigal son .
21 The parents , in their concern about him feeling pushed out by his younger sister , had always given him much more and felt very upset when he complained .
22 In the meantime there was Matey to reassure — Matey who had always given him her love and support , whom he had taken for granted , as though her love and loyalty were simply his due .
23 But Dad had always given responsibility to Charles , shared his worries and fears with Charles … well , that was fine , as long as she was allowed her fair say as well .
24 Athelstan had always given strict instructions on this ; any poor man or woman found dead in his parish was to be given honourable burial , so this included Tosspot .
25 Mrs Hancock , the girl from the other side of the tracks , had always professed her love for the rough , tough ex-miner who made a fortune and espoused the most outlandish ideas .
26 He was finding that oddly agreeable because in spite of previous unpleasant skirmishes with her , her frank arrogance had always engaged him .
27 Occasionally , Mr Landor would accuse her of stealing from him when he had mislaid a silver spoon or could not find a precious paperknife , but she had always treated these accusations with the contempt they deserved .
28 Although her parents had always treated her normally , Fiona had still been a victim of society 's tendency to view Down 's children as low achievers .
29 Nicky was assured — even worldly — and , in the early stages of their friendship , used his confidence to put Constance in her place — not because of any particular need to bully her but merely because that was how he had always treated his girlfriends .
30 Ever since 1099 , when the first crusaders captured the Holy City and massacred the people who lived there , Jews and Muslims alike , the Christians had always treated Jerusalem as though it belonged to them alone .
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