Example sentences of "had made [art] " in BNC.

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1 For this reason when the head teacher eventually excluded John permanently from school because of his behaviour the EP accepted that the school were acting reasonably in the circumstances and that they had made every effort with John .
2 The television companies — using negotiating officers employed by them full-time — had made every effort to settle the strike short of accepting the ACTT 's conditions .
3 She had made every effort to attract him , but he had not given her his heart .
4 Venturi was a university teacher , son of a famous father , Adolpho Venturi , who had made a substantial contribution to the publication of documents of Italian art .
5 John Canaday , the incoming editor of the newspaper 's art page and responsible for the dismissal , had made a challenge to a climate of opinion in which Dore Ashton 's criticism was valued for its sensitivity , and where the art which she praised was accepted .
6 The Shah had made a showplace of his country with his colossal purchasing of weapons , and look what it had all come to : ‘ If you drive from Shiraz to Isfahan even today you 'll see hundreds of helicopters parked off to the right of the highway .
7 Returning from a break in Wales , we found annual nettles , chickweed and seedling thistles had made a major takeover bid for the plot ; a bit of a blow , but not entirely unexpected .
8 A great anger had heated up , one of Robertson 's new windows had been shattered by a stone , and the womenfolk had made a move to drag the teacher out and throw him in the river .
9 Probably because it started the 1980s with a fleet of new 125mph HSTs which had made a major impact on its market , the East Coast main line was far better placed to withstand the rigours of the recession than its West Coast neighbour .
10 General Motors of America believed they had made a major breakthrough into the British market in 1985 when they persuaded Foster Yeoman to buy four specially constructed 3,300hp locomotives to haul heavy stone traffic from their Merehead quarry to locations in the South East .
11 At least one of his grandparents had made a career on the frontier ; and in The Cantos this forebear , Thaddeus Coleman Pound , makes several entries , always with an encouraging flourish on the drums .
12 The second defendant had made a large number of deliveries to and collections from the premises on Capricorn 's account .
13 Britain would be in an open economic zone and subject to even more direct competition from economies which had made a much stronger commitment to skills , research , science and transport .
14 John MacGregor , Secretary of State for Education , said yesterday that it was misleading for the union to say the Government had made a mistake .
15 Private Eye is appealing against the record £600,000 damages paid to Mrs Sutcliffe after a seven-day trial last May , in which she alleged the magazine had libelled her by claiming in its ‘ Street of Shame ’ column that she had made a £250,000 deal with the Daily Mail for her story after a night of ‘ carousing ’ with the paper 's journalists in a hotel .
16 If Austin Rover 's Leyland forebears had made a better job of the Stag in the first place , values would probably have risen before .
17 His successful bid was for £190,000 although he had made a higher prior offer which had been turned down .
18 He also said Nigel Lawson , the Chancellor of the Exchequer , had made a mistake when he pumped too much money into the economy after the 1987 stock market crash .
19 Belinda had made a conscious decision to have a baby and felt that it was important to keep healthy by eating well and exercising during her pregnancy .
20 Mr Carey told the jury it would have to decide whether the woman had made a ‘ wicked and false allegation ’ against a serving police officer or whether the officer had gone to the ‘ very depths of the pit of deceit ’ by claiming the woman , less than half his age , had encouraged and enjoyed sexual intercourse with him .
21 While city leaders in Leipzig held talks with reformists , reports indicated that police in Halle had made a baton attack on about 3,000 people as they were leaving a church to march in silence round the town .
22 He pointed out that when the council was barred from making further payments on the transactions , it had made a profit .
23 His own preferred choice , rather untypically , was Norman Fowler , the Secretary of State for Employment , who had made a ‘ resounding and superb ’ conference speech .
24 There , she had been happy in Pakistan ; she had been happy in the Peckham house at least for the first year ; she had been happy working for Graham ; she 'd been enthusiastically interested at college and during the first two years after she had qualified ; she had been completely delighted when she had got the job she now had : a tenants ' association garden in a dreadful estate in Hackney , but where she , with a community group , had planned the garden from scratch and had made a small desert blossom like a rose .
25 The first assumption originated in the fact that because Morgan had made a special study of the Iroquois , where the status of women is comparatively high , he assumed uncritically that this high status would be found among other people at a similar level of technological advancement .
26 What the GLC were hoping to do with London 's transport system now looks quite farsighted , and the learned judge 's remark that Ken Livingstone ‘ had made a naked grasp for power that must not be allowed ’ just silly .
27 Gen Schwanitz conceded that he had made a ‘ psychological mistake ’ by ordering the shredding of Stasi files , which had prompted the attacks on police offices .
28 The new chairman , Dr Gregor Gysi , told an emergency party congress at the weekend that the SED had made a start in ‘ breaking with Stalinism , ’ but added that there was still a long way to go in ‘ overcoming Stalinist structures ’ .
29 The new chairman , Dr Gregor Gysi , told an emergency party congress at the weekend that the SED had made a start in ‘ breaking with Stalinism , ’ but added that there was still a long way to go in ‘ overcoming Stalinist structures ’ .
30 Todd 's follow-up on the hour , from similar range , arose from Pearson 's cleverly squirted pass , but only after Atkins , swinging wildly , had made a hash of his clearance as Dawson 's barnstorming run down the right seemed sure to be betrayed by a poorly-struck cross .
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