Example sentences of "had about [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it represents not a past concrete social reality as it actually existed , but rather the ideas men who lived then had about their responsibilities and claims , their liabilities and privileges and freedom .
2 The reservations bourgeois thinkers had about their world were social and political rather than economic , especially where the danger of revolution was unforgotten , as in France , or emerging with the rise of a labour movement , as in Germany .
3 She had about her the rich glow of a woman who excelled at everything which constituted a woman 's work .
4 She was strong of wing and yet had about her a frailty that suggested illness .
5 And in particular , she did not like at all that he had felt it necessary to give Lubor the instructions he had about her .
6 you 've got proof , and I used to check it as a form teacher every , at the end of every week tick it and sign it I I only had about what , twenty in the class used to , every end of every week check and see they 're writing their homework down and if any problems came of it had n't written it down they were in trouble !
7 The only inquiry has been the American one and that was handicapped because the British er er partners of er Price Waterhouse did n't pass on to either that inquiry or to the American partners of Price Waterhouse , the information they had about what had gone wrong with B C C I so that inquiry itself was inadequate but it is the only one and what that found er was appalling er indeed they were pretty critical about British audit regulation , about the auditors performance .
8 There was only one small regret she had about her tardiness : she was clearly far too late for breakfast , and she was feeling absolutely ravenous !
9 Gloria had to show this special letter what she had about him before they 'd even look at us . ’
10 As a result , at least off the track and in business , he had about him only sycophants .
11 Tall , ruddy-faced and tending to corpulence in his early forties , he had about him the self-satisfied air of a man who has already achieved some measure of public acclaim ; he wore his thick shock of fair hair brushed across his forehead from a centre parting in two matching wings , and his upper lip was thatched with a fashionably luxuriant mustache .
12 Webb-Bowen had about him that healthy gloss which derives from subscriptions paid annually by Coutt 's banker 's order to either BUPA or PPP .
13 She 'd phone Steve later and find out what he was doing and then she would use any information she had about him and Maria Luisa to irritate her way out of the Casa Pinar .
14 The gentle old men who took up the presidency of Lebanon had about them a streak of cold savagery that stunned even the Palestinians .
15 All were shabby ; all had about them the cleanliness of icy well-water , spoiled and fetid with the reek of the city , that nothing but fire could dispel .
16 His dark good looks had about them something raffish , sinister almost , which at once attracted and frightened her .
17 They had about them enough cameras and guide books to assure us that they were tourists , and the lady 's sunglasses could only have been , in Anna 's words , " products of the New World " .
18 They were beasts , not men , but they had about them the features of nightmare , of ghosts , and though she recognized the animals of the forest in limbs , teeth and eyes , what struck her most powerfully was the element of madness in them .
19 On balance , the more respondents knew about biotechnology , the more misgivings they had about its impact .
20 Each scrap of news any one of them had about themselves or their immediate family — child , husband , dog , cat , Bendix dishwasher , a new dress or pair of shoes , the price of every article they bought — was as fascinating to each other as if it were their very own ; and any little thing out of Great Meadow was pure binding .
21 ‘ Later , my mother told me of her terrible foreboding that she had about me the day we made that first daylight raid on Berlin .
22 Now he , he had about he about seven or eight kids I think , he must have done , yeah .
23 Into er into some other places and owt , and had about I had about about two months .
24 It had about it the idealism of youth .
25 Even this gesture , a mercenary movement , had about it the lilt of broken syllables .
26 Also , in June 1940 the concept of airborne forces was , as far as the British Army was concerned , at its very inception and had about it the fearfulness of the unknown .
27 It had about it an air of doom .
28 as if he was trying to get rid of a whole cloud of false ideas I probably had about it .
29 They further confused the tone of a piece that had about it the whiff of 1970s radical agitprop .
30 I can not describe to you , my dear sister , what I went through during those three quarters of an hour , seated was as pale as the jasmine I had about my head …
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