Example sentences of "or [prep] school " in BNC.

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1 She started taking stands at antique fairs in Kent , and at weekends or during school holidays the whole family plus dogs would go on expeditions to Wales , the West Country and East Anglia .
2 That work should not be done before 7am or after 7pm or during school hours .
3 Some schools , e.g. in East London and Liverpool , adjusted their hours to take account of the needs of poorer children both for earnings and education , beginning or ending the school day later or earlier than was the custom , enabling schoolchildren to work before or after school .
4 You probably have a set of jobs to do before , or after school every day .
5 Paul White , the project manager , says : ‘ We have rooms set aside with comfy chairs , music and televisions where pupils can go during break or before school .
6 Most of us have seen a heart in one form or another , whether on television or in school or even at the butchers .
7 Parents have in some cases been asked to take over the practice of hearing their children read almost exclusively , either at home or in school .
8 Many children , some as young as five or six , have been killed or badly wounded , some on their way to or from school and kindergarten .
9 the start of Safe Travel to School projects in four areas identified as having high numbers of casualties associated with travel to or from school
10 Over recent years there have been on average over 100 children per year injured in accidents whilst on journeys to or from school ( see Table 28 ) .
11 Just as is the case for walking , the benefits of calming residential areas will not be realised unless provision is made for whole journeys from home to the shops , to work or to school , to be completed free from intimidation by motorised traffic .
12 No , because we do n't have to go to the legal office or to school to teach for 50 hours a week in between ’ .
13 Go out to supervise children into playground and check with Coach Guide about any absences or misbehaviour on journey home yesterday or to school today .
14 Then she could come to dancing classes , swimming , or on school trips like other mums do . ’
15 Form the moment they wake up until the time they go to bed , whether they are playing with friends or at school , their minds and bodies are always active .
16 It seems clear to me that no such thing was happening to me , either at home or at school , the former structure being too self-absorbed to take me into account and the latter too rigid .
17 My anorak served as armour in more than the literal sense : it protected me , as anorexia protected me , from the confusing impingements of reality as defined by others at home or at school , and who could not even agree among themselves , on my behalf .
18 Some are seeking independence and freedom from family or institutional repression ; some are escaping from problems or abuse whether at home , within the family , or at school ; some are running back to the family and away from care authorities .
19 About three-quarters of pupils in the lowest third knew how many days there are in certain months , although a number of pupils when interviewed said they had not been taught by their parents or at school any way of remembering the number of days in the months .
20 There were , after all , difficulties in meeting the Government 's objective of guaranteeing places on the Youth Training Scheme for every young person not at work or at school .
21 A school had only to ask and he would talk to the boys and girls , and dozens of boys came to King 's because he had met them in a train or at school .
22 We 're all prone to do that , were all prone to take the line of least resistance and you find this not just in the truth but in any sort of community in life , in any area of life that wish to go , you , you may find this at work or at school , you youngsters , there 's always a little Johnny at the back is n't it , that , that will fit in the back row and think if I 'm back here teacher wo n't notice you see , were act were actually tuck himself up in the corner and er think well if I 'm , if I 'm up here nobody will notice me and see the day goes by and er we do n't have so much to do , those are the type of people that in , in , in a physical life er sort of going to sleep are n't they , they do n't want to accept responsibility and we , we find even in the truth , you 'll always find it in congregations like we have here in our congregation , we 're not different , we 're all the same are n't we , we 're all flesh and we 're all imperfect and we 're all prone to doing or wanting to do the things that are different or you know than , than what Jehovah wants us to do and we all want to tuck ourselves up a little corner sometimes and yet we should n't be like that and this is what the scriptures tell us and warn us about to put ourselves headlong into the truth , be whole sole , be awake , be alert , be vigilant to the things that are going on and there 's a lot going on in the truth at this particular time , things are changing , the scriptures tell us that the scene of the world is changing and that 's true is n't it ?
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