Example sentences of "or [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My experience is that students of literature , and teachers of literature , too , I would even put myself in that category , are not very good conceptually , they respond more to actual texts in a sort of affective way , or quasi-sensuous way .
2 Now one of the interesting cameos of God 's providence , prominently found in the Talmud and among the Hasidim , is the idea that in every generation are 36 tsadihim , pious or righteous men , who ( though unknown ) keep the world going .
3 By Bronze Age times the ‘ green man ’ — Green Jack , or Hooded Robin , the medieval ‘ wodehouse ’ — had become a solitary forest figure , partially deified , reflected in and mingled with such elemental forms as Pan , and Dionysus , and vaguely remembered dryads .
4 The pavements from North Hill and Verulamium have similar structures i.e. an arrangement of nine panels superimposed on a circular design comprising stylistically similar bands of wave-crest pattern , thorn pattern or ivy-leaf scroll .
5 With reference to Genette 's definition they are exceptional in that their object texts are not only other ‘ noble ’ works of literature but quotations from scholars , product labels , radio broadcasts , advertisements , propaganda slogans , and various other ‘ public texts ’ or textual objets trouvés .
6 It is not capable of being answered by linguistic or textual analysis of the statute alone however assiduously that is performed .
7 This remnant of a country may be slipping towards a ‘ future ’ rather like Albania 's in its Stalinist days , or present-day Cuba 's .
8 The first is that in which movements such as the democratic movement and the labour movement in Europe , the women 's suffrage movement and independence movements in colonial territories at a later time , or present-day movements in autocratic states , provide the only effective means for expressing grievances and seeking to bring about political changes .
9 It does this by a process called dithering which takes two or more colours from the 16 or 256 colour palette available and places them side by side to give the impression of another colour .
10 We have investigated the differences in the architecture of the corresponding open complexes by comparing the positioning of holoenzymes reconstituted respectively with native or with truncated α-subunits ( containing the first 235 or 256 residues of a ) at two ‘ up ’ promoter mutants of the lac P1 and gal P1 promoters ( respectively lac UV5 and gal 9A16C ) .
11 If you are using a full 24 bit colour photo-retouching or vector graphics drawing program on a system which can only display 16 or 256 colours Windows will attempt to represent all the screen colours required .
12 Orchard Fahrenheit 1280o Will give you a stunning 16 million colours at 640 by 480 or 256 colours at 1,024 by 768 , it is a little slower than some of its competitors but quite a bit cheaper at around £200
13 It includes PCX and GIF in its file formats , works with Hercules and above in 2 , 16 or 256 colours and can print to laser or dot matrix .
14 Colour display systems available for personal computers such as the IBM VGA allow the use of up to 16 colours ( light and dark versions of the primary colours red , green and blue together with their combinations — yellow , cyan and magenta — plus black and white ) at a resolution of 640 x 480 , or 256 colours at a reduced screen resolution of 320 x 200 .
15 Talk and write about their responses to literature , taking account of matters such as dramatic , poetic or fictional structure , complexities of plot , development of character and theme , and the use of poetic or stylistic devices .
16 Make more knowledgeable spoken and written responses to literature , taking a more perceptive account of matters such as dramatic , poetic or fictional structure , complexities of plot , development of character and theme , and the use of poetic or stylistic devices .
17 Make well-informed spoken and written responses to literature , taking sophisticated account of matters such as dramatic , poetic or fictional structure , complexities of plot , development of character and theme , and the use of poetic and stylistic devices .
18 Hypocrisy of this kind is familiar to us all , from our own practice of it and from our knowledge of it in others , whether real people or fictional characters , such as the puritan ministers in Ben Jonson 's The Alchemist .
19 So now , whether you 'd like granulated fruit & herb flavour baby drinks , ready to drink juices or concentrated juices for baby , you can safely turn to Robinsons .
20 Both have been transmitted in the workplace only by percutaneous inoculation or contact with an open wound , or with non-intact ( e.g. chapped , dermatitic ) skin or mucous membranes , to blood , contaminated body fluids , or concentrated virus .
21 The Black Wood investigation and related studies by BGS have shown that sulphate concentrations in pore waters beneath trees are much higher than in pore waters from beneath heathland or unfertilised grassland .
22 It is most important that separation of the fines be carried out before drying of the sediment for , on heating , silts and clays produce crusts or durable pellets .
23 We can say , though , that income is a flow of disposable ( spendable ) money , while wealth refers to fixed assets such as land , shares , buildings or durable possessions .
24 Families on supplementary benefit , now income support , are likely to borrow to buy items of clothing or durable household goods .
25 Another way in which a patient may seek to achieve control over his fate once he has become incompetent is through the device of an Enduring or Durable Power of Attorney .
26 However , there is no empirical evidence to suggest that exchange rate changes have a systematic or durable impact on productivity growth rates .
27 Hirst ( 1969 , 1974 ) divides knowledge into seven or so distinct or irreducible forms : mathematics , the physical sciences , the human sciences and history , literature and the fine arts , morals , religion , and philosophy .
28 Care must be taken to ensure that the Policyholder is in fact legally liable to pay such sums within the terms and conditions of the credit card etc. agreement and that there is no other insurance in force to cover such losses ( e.g. bank or issuing authority ) .
29 Now here 's something to argue about this weekend … what would you say is the hardest … or toughest race to win in sport … football 's league title … formula one … the olympic marathon … how about the jockeys championship … they 've been off and running for six months and leading the chase is Oxfordshire ’ s Richard Dunwoody … we 're riding with him for this week 's Friday Feature
30 The most primitive of the armoured mammals are the five species of echidnas , or spiny anteaters , from Australasia .
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