Example sentences of "or [conj] there " in BNC.

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1 If you use any mains electrical appliance or tool outdoors , or where there is a possibility of water spillage , or even using ordinary power tools indoors like drills and saws , you could be putting yourself at risk .
2 Additional powers will be introduced for the issue of immediate enforcement and prohibition notices where the rules are being broken , or where there is a risk of environmental harm .
3 It vests in the first instance in ‘ personal representatives ’ , namely the executor appointed by the will , or where there is no will or no executor appointed under the will , in the administrator — usually a person interested in the property — appointed by the court .
4 that they offered AFP to women if they requested it , or where there was a family history of neural tube defects
5 There are many fine buildings — where a plain exterior conceals fine Georgian rooms , for example , or where there is an interesting timber-frame construction — that were also overlooked .
6 This can happen when the wrong PIN is entered more than once or where there is a technical failure of the card or of the machine .
7 In many cases deputy heads of schools will stand in for heads who are absent or where there is a vacancy .
8 Even for over achievement , or where there appears to be no problem , it could be worth reviewing the target levels to consider if these have been set incorrectly ; perfection the first time round might well be suspect !
9 Where existing standards fall short of complete clarity , allowing abuses to develop , or where there seems to be misunderstanding of the law , the Task Force has stepped in to bring about correction .
10 Churches located near areas where new housing estates are being built or where there is a high population turnover should be alert to this fact .
11 If you use any mains electrical appliance or tool outdoors , or where there is a possibility of water spillage , you could be putting yourself at risk .
12 Under section 25 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 , the High Court has power to grant interim relief where proceedings have been or are to be commenced in another Contracting State to the Brussels Convention or in another part of the United Kingdom , or where there are or will be any other proceedings within the scope of the 1968 Convention even if that Convention does not directly apply .
13 Certiorari quashes a decision which is found to be invalid because it is outside the powers granted to the court or tribunal ( ultra vires ) , or has been given in proceedings in which the principles of natural justice were not observed , or where there has been an error of law on the face of the record .
14 Problems are most likely to arise for older workers where work is at a fast continuous pace , fixed at a pace suited to younger workers and over which the worker has no control , or where there are other time pressures .
15 It is less helpful , however , where there is little or no political or ideological distinctiveness — in technical fields , for example , or where there is sustained political consensus between individual authorities and the centre .
16 Some boards have made it a procedural requirement in their regulations that evidence of title to a property be produced in support of the application for permanent transfer , where the existing licence holder 's consent is not forthcoming , or where there are conflicting applications by prospective transferees .
17 Large numbers of casual women workers were found in areas where men 's wages were low ( as in the Eastern counties ) or irregular ( as in dockland areas ) , or where there was little alternative work for women .
18 Simulation tends to be used in problems where mathematical solutions are not possible , or where long time scales are involved ( eg predicting — population changes over a 30 year period ) , or where there is no other way of tackling the problem ( eg charting space-satellite trajectories ) .
19 If a supplier decides to increase his market share by attracting higher usage by occasional users , he must first attempt to find out whether they buy competitors ' goods or not , or where there is something about the present marketing mix which dissuades them from buying more frequently .
20 Such an order should usually be made , unless there are positive reasons for not so doing , such as the defendant 's own conduct in bringing suspicion on himself or herself or in misleading the prosecution , or where there is ample evidence supporting a conviction , but the defendant is acquitted on a technicality .
21 or where there are stochastic abstentions ( Hinich , Ledyard and Ordeshook , 1972 ) .
22 Rule of Court 89(a) provides that the Court may make an interim payment if it is satisfied : ‘ that , if the action proceeded to Proof , the pursuer would succeed in the action on the question of liability without any substantial finding of contributory negligence on his part … and would obtain decree for damages against the defender or defenders , or where there are two or more of them , against any one of them ’ .
23 The HSE 's propensity ( or more realistically reluctance ) to prosecute , except as a last resort or where there is no alternative , is well-known and is touched on by Phil James in ‘ Reforming British Health and Safety Law : a framework for discussion ’ ( 1992 ) 21 Industrial Law Journal 83–105 , together with the related area of penalties .
24 Emergency sclerothapy was carried out in cases of active bleeding or where there were endoscopic signs of recent bleeding , and then regularly repeated afterwards .
25 The Law Society may refuse to cancel an RFL 's entry where there are outstanding complaints about the RFL concerning his or her professional conduct or where there are proceedings pending against him or her before the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal .
26 The term " unlawfully " in both sections exonerates a person who acts in self-defence or where there is consent or lawful chastisement .
27 Thus Article 92 provided for aid by member states " to promote the economic development of areas where the standard of living is abnormally low , or where there is serious underemployment " provided that such aid did not " adversely affect trading conditions " .
28 Departments have agreed to notify the local planning authority of development proposals which are likely to be of special concern to the authority or to the public ; for example where there could be a very substantial effect on the character of a conservation area , or where there could be a significant planning impact , visually or otherwise , beyond the department 's own site .
29 Where there is to be a separate exchange and completion , which can be for a multitude of reasons , or where there are conditions which need to be satisfied before completion of the subscription can take place , then the subscription and shareholders ' agreement will set out the various conditions precedent and how they are to be satisfied .
30 This , of course , would be particularly applicable in standard term contracts , or where there was a marked inequality in bargaining power .
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