Example sentences of "or [conj] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Many comprehensives are also nervous about returning to the council embrace , notably the 40 previously earmarked for closure or where their high-profile success has got up important noses .
2 Transferring shifts the person to a job where they can capitalize on some especially strong or unusual skill or where their particular deficiency will not really matter .
3 Vologsky himself had no knowledge of exactly how his parents had died , or where their bodies lay .
4 If such rights were introduced , this would allow artists legitimately to charge a royalty either on public exhibition or where their work is displayed on a visual display unit .
5 8.38 to 8.40 ) , that , should ( as the Act has done by the previous section ) the currency of a licence be extended to three years , it was desirable that a licensing board should have some form of sanction against the licence-holder where the premises were being misconducted , or where their suitability had deteriorated , and that such a sanction should be the power to suspend a licence .
6 The move followed a Supreme Court ruling by five votes to four on May 23 in the case of Rust v. Sullivan , upholding the constitutionality of a 1988 ban on abortion counselling , even in cases where women asked for information or where their doctors believed that it was medically necessary .
7 ‘ What happens is that maybe I 'll just see the shape of some chords , or where my fingers should be on the frets .
8 Where an officer wants to see what a new or unconsented discharge consists of , therefore , or where his own judgment suggests that a discharge may be polluting , he turns to his sample bucket , which offers the ultimate means for practical purposes of establishing the kind and degree of pollution .
9 He considered : surely things were n't so utterly disorganised in the kitchens that the scullions no longer knew who was in charge of them , or where his office was ?
10 R.5 provides periods of grace within which matters must be rectified where a shareholder ( or a beneficial owner of shares ) is struck off or where his or her practising certificate is suspended ( including automatic suspension on bankruptcy ) or expires without being renewed ; or in the case of an RFL his or her name is struck off the register or his registration is suspended ( including automatic suspension on bankruptcy ) or cancelled or on striking off or suspension in his or her own jurisdiction ) .
11 That will comprise a potentially exempt transfer regardless of where the life tenant resides or where his ordinary place of residence is or where he is domiciled .
12 Furthermore , your money is at risk , particularly when there is a thin market in shares , or where your shares are held under a nominee name for the convenience of your licensed dealer .
13 Use this form after any incident in which you were hurt , abused or threatened , or where your property was damaged .
14 Where you are fortunate in making reasonably rapid recovery , or where your medical condition stabilises quickly , then we may be able to conclude your case within 12 to 18 months of the your instructing us .
15 It 's not fair on either of you or or your people either
16 Which is not to say , he wrote , that the present project has any value over and above the others , mine and those of everyone else , I have been into the question of value already and will not return to it now , has any value or that its outcome has any value , I have to repeat this , simply that now , for me , today , after the things I have done and given the time left me , it is the most important thing , it is what , from the time I first picked up a pencil and made a mark on a piece of paper , everything has logically led up to .
17 The general conclusion which we have reached is that there is no clear evidence in any of the figures we have examined that the abolition of capital punishment has led to an increase in the homicide rate , or that its reintroduction has led to a fall .
18 She would refuse to allow that the matter was serious , or that its consequences could affect her profoundly .
19 Few , however , would dispute either the inevitability of the process or that its effect on the 320 million European citizens will be real and lasting .
20 Men of science in the nineteenth century were increasingly becoming specialists ; but the eminent were often interested in other things as well , and hoped that these were not irrelevant to their science , or that its methods were foreign to them .
21 The UK 's relative lack of success in exploiting innovative technology is not , therefore , because the country 's engineers and scientists lack good innovative ideas or that its R&D is not of the highest quality .
22 This is of course not possible , and we should rather conclude that any intermediate , formed by the initial attack of Cl - on , must have no significant absorption in the spectral range studied , or that its concentration is never so great that it contributes significantly to the spectrum .
23 Some archivists/records managers have shown concern over the loss of correspondence between historically important people ; others that e-mail encourages ‘ garbage ’ or that its tenor discourages sufficient development of ideas between contributors .
24 She hated it , and she was afraid of it , because she doubted her power to escape ; even after two years in London , she still thought that her brain might go or that her nerve might snap , and that she would be compelled to return , feebly , defeated , to her mother 's house .
25 … At the same time it is right to say that in her evidence … she repudiates the notion that any influence was exerted or any pressure put upon her , or that her husband made any misrepresentation to her .
26 She could have been anywhere between twenty-five and forty , but Jezrael did n't care that her boss was n't wearing plastiface or that her hazel eyes looked like they might brim with mirth .
27 She 'd never even been in love , she thought wistfully , was beginning to think herself incapable of the emotion , or that her standards were too high — or impossible .
28 Critical examination by the most reliable of tests and measurements , usually showed that they had little if any action greater than that of placebos , or that their effects on performance were deleterious rather than beneficial .
29 There may develop a fear that they are uniquely abnormal or that their sexual practices are uniquely unnatural .
30 It is far better and essentially less embarrassing for such education to be given at school than within the family , even if it could be certain that parents would give it or that their children would listen .
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