Example sentences of "that time [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since that time other factors including the progress made in the development and introduction of a CNAA Scottish Credit Accumulation and Transfer System , have revived interest in a general category of vocational group awards .
2 Principally there were at that time other interested parties in the premises er and also erm Mr saw it as essential er that er they were in and running the business er well before the time of the Christmas trade which was rapidly approaching then , then it being late August and er he wanted to make sure that they were in in in time for them to be able to take advantage of those bookings that they anticipated .
3 Since that time other rivers have become regulated .
4 ‘ If you 're worried about Winter Garden there 's nobody left who had any status around that time sure .
5 ‘ It appears to me that the whole question is governed by the broad , general , universal principle that English legislation , unless the contrary is expressly enacted or so plainly implied as to make it the duty of an English court to give effect to an English statute , is applicable only to English subjects or to foreigners who by coming into this country , whether for a long or a short time , have made themselves during that time subject to English jurisdiction .
6 Lloyd Bullock was once a student in Liebig 's Geissen laboratory and was at that time involved in establishing a similar laboratory in London .
7 And all that time poor Ashi suffered in uncomplaining silence , whilst the best years of her youth slipped by . ’
8 By that time poor Uncle had no motorbike .
9 Curtis was at that time Assistant Colonial Secretary of the Transvaal and he was not motivated in what he did by any particular animus towards Indians .
10 Merribell Parsons , at that time assistant director for education at the Metropolitan ( she now directs the Columbus Museum of Art in Ohio ) , Everett Fahy , Christian Prevost-Marcilhacy from the Monuments Historiques de France , and many others .
11 No , no but you might go in at that time wanting help
12 In the following month , October 1989 , a new republic was declared , but by that time Soviet troops were already committed to leaving .
13 In many companies the normal management accounting system will only pick up a currency exposure when the sales entry has been made and by that time adverse currency fluctuations could have eroded or wiped out the profit margin .
14 Since that time central government has taken steps to reduce the proportion of local expenditure it funds .
15 Their audiences were found in independent cinemas and discussion groups : their relationship to broadcast television was at that time non-existent .
16 At that time deep ecologists tended to emphasise the value of the whole so exclusively that they seemed to rule out altogether any value for its parts and particularly for individuals , whether human or animal .
17 Erm he will not have asked that time honoured question do you have a car otherwise he knows what er
18 Supreme in this field were the members of another branch of the Titford family , at that time recent arrivals in London from their home in Wylye , Wiltshire .
19 The original Tempa Rossa-1 discovery well , which is in the Laurenzana permit , was drilled by Fina in 1989 but could not be properly tested at that time due to technical problems .
20 Great Britain and Germany were only alike in one respect ; they were both at that time contented powers .
21 During that time interim replacement aircraft included the Supermarine Scapa and Short R24/31 Knuckleduster prototypes .
22 With no-one at the BBC at that time skilled enough in working latex rubber the masks were solid , ie : the mouths , cheeks , noses and eyes did not move .
23 Since that time successive attempts have been made to reform the position but to no avail .
24 By the early 1970s , growth was continuing strongly and at that time high growth rates were being estimated as likely to last out the decade .
25 Perhaps because her own was at that time lumpen and awkward she seemed to feel the contrast painfully — such high , generous breasts , such a neat waist , such slender wrists and ankles !
26 At that time numerous Dissenting groups were meeting in private houses or cottages until the day when they had the resources to build their own little Zion or Bethel .
27 It is true that the ballet de cour exercised great influence on French opera when it emerged very much later , but French opera remained French and by that time Italian opera was well on the way to becoming European .
28 Since that time bureaucratic foot-dragging and dare it be said ? politics have continued to delay the project .
29 She wants to know whether she was judged on the piece of sculpture itself ; and if so is it not true that time alone can judge a work of art ? or was she judged on her talent ; if so , is it right that she should be judged on a part of life over which she has no control ?
30 Martin Martin ( 1703 ) who wrote his well-documented Description of the Western Islands of Scotland has left a wide and varied record of many of the plant uses which were at that time extant .
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