Example sentences of "that with a " in BNC.

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1 I can not see the necessity of the shadow cast by a half-opened drawer in the kitchen table. , It is encouraging to find Fry underlining a point about critical writing — that with a description of a work of art it can be useful to be given an explicit account of how the critic responds .
2 I thought ‘ how can he possibly behave like that with a wound that would lay low any other soldier ? ’
3 The main reason for fishing the middle line of the river today is that with a head wind it is the safest distance for me to be able to loosefeed easily .
4 But we must not confuse any of that with a static universalist understanding of the personality , nor — out of respect for the women of our past as well as out of respect for the truth — simply write over their self-identity .
5 I think it 's like that with a lot of couples .
6 Sleepily goes into spiel about what kind of care would she like , has she chosen a hospital yet , how does she feel generally , this is her first , is n't it , a lot of nonsense talked nowadays about active births and so on , what people fail to realize is that birth is potentially highly dangerous for the mother and the child and that with a bit of foresight and the right equipment it 's possible to etc. , etc. , etc .
7 It may be that with a patient who is terminally ill or aged , the doctor 's obligation does not extend to anything more than the relief of pain and making the patient comfortable .
8 But here the puppets come into their own with hedgehogs as croquet balls and flamingos as mallets — try doing that with a live actor .
9 It would be easy to point to the lack of a six-cylinder engine and mark it down , but the Saab rises above that with a blend of abilities that few can rival : space , pace , fine handling and ride , a well designed and supremely comfortable interior and heaps of equipment .
10 Another difference , is that with a joint tenancy , the property does not form part of the deceased 's estate ; with a tenancy in common , it does .
11 On his last day , feeling a little guilty about sending his wife out shopping , he said , ‘ ’ There 's no need to go shopping today , love , I notice you have a nice bit of boiled ham in the fridge , I 'll have that with a few tomatoes . ' ’
12 Still , no chance of that with a Starfleet commander in full regalia waiting to meet you .
13 My attempt to follow that with a lemon curd tart was a bit half-hearted .
14 You ca n't do that with a player of Bob Taylor 's ability . ’
15 ‘ I would have said , ’ the Master observed grimly , ‘ that with a bloody great placard waving under the horse 's nose , there was every likelihood she 'd fall off ! ’
16 Amis 's admiring study of Fleming , The James Bond Dossier ( 1965 ) , acknowledged much of all that with a characteristic bluntness , and in ‘ a spiteful tangent ’ or side-swipe against Eliot and Modernism he remarked that ‘ a few mentions of ( say ) Nestlé 's condensed milk , Woodbines , Spinks 's plum-and-apple jam and Scotch-and-Apollinaris would have done The Waste Land a world of good ’ , the lack of a socio-temporal context having left Eliot 's poem ‘ just one more of the featureless , flavourless lumps of cultural lumber it purports to be superior to ’ .
17 And there was a funny silence and Dylan said that he 'd bet I could n't do that scream like that with a cigarette in my mouth and I shook off the centuries , stopped staring , smiled a little , noted that he had indeed monumentally screamed with a cigarette in his mouth and went stunned back to my crossword . ’
18 For example , two casualties on a unit of five models causes a panic test and the chances of passing that with a basic leadership value of 5 are remote to say the least .
19 Japan does that with a far simpler system , oddly called the single non-transferable vote .
20 The snag is that with a presidential election due in 1995 , this excuse will soon wear thin and right-wing challengers for the presidency will demand proof that the French economy is improving .
21 One of the themes running through The State of the Prisons is that with a few exceptions , neither numbers nor conditions of prisoners have changed very much since Howard first visited .
22 Combine all that with a superb sunshine record , oodles of local bonhomie by both day and night , and we think you 'll agree Seefeld adds up to an Eagle of a holiday !
23 It is easy to see , then , that with a good brushing method you can clear up this condition and prevent gum disease .
24 It is always like that with a small child .
25 At times Tim 's speed and intelligence is quite breathtaking and I sure that with a couple of years experience he will become a very fine craftsman .
26 Gon na go on now to talk about a severe condition which may start out that with a minor skin rash like this , this is called a petechial skin rash they later progress to rather more generalised rash and in it 's most severe form it 's mucrotic
27 A polite little bloke like that with a tiger in his tank ?
28 He noticed how bare the room was of the bits and pieces that usually make two lives one life ; but Carla had tried to compensate for that with a beachcomber 's finds : little groups of pebbles and shells on the windowsills , a fan of dried marram in a vase , a gnarled limb of driftwood that she had smoothed and varnished .
29 Its tail began to move this way and that with a faint , swishing noise .
30 You ca n't do that with a baby .
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