Example sentences of "that [vb -s] a " in BNC.

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1 That represents a growth rate of 1,000% !
2 In official games , Platt has been on the mark twice in 13 appearances for the Italian giants and that represents a dramatic decline in his career ratio .
3 It might be rash to conclude that all that represents a rejection of radicalism ; better , perhaps , to say that it is the sense of radicalism itself that changed .
4 Robbins ( 1963 ) presented dual-subject courses ( joint honours , combined studies , etc. ) as a variant on the single-subject pattern for those students who do not want such a specialized higher education , but that represents a university view , and a dated one at that .
5 And , given that an average presentation may require 20 to 30 of these , that represents a substantial investment .
6 I use the phrase ‘ She did not say ‘ Yes ’ she did not say ‘ No ’ and that represents a hazardous situation .
7 That represents a great advance and we believe that , in the long term , something valuable will come of that .
8 That represents a growth of expenditure in those sectors of roughly 80 per cent .
9 Of those just below forty thousand were solved … that represents a clear-up rate of roughly twenty percent … and that 's ten percent below the national average .
10 That represents a seventeen percent increase .
11 As well as being the sort of motion that brings local government into disrepute , I also believe that this is the sort of motion that , that displays a lack of tolerance that should concern us all .
12 She adds : ‘ That encourages a woman to be hopeful things will improve but , unfortunately , there is no way of knowing how he will react to anything . ’
13 Apparently that drives a couple of bones into the brain .
14 She 's already described how she was able to think about wiping off fingerprints shortly after his death ; that denotes a cool customer who does n't often lose control .
15 This is not a symbiotic relationship because that involves a continuing separateness of identity throughout the period and process of partnership but it is an integrated relationship in which the enterprise — venture or project or more general association — is on a level of continued mutuality of interest and concern .
16 Swing low , sweet Chariot is left unaccompanied , but that involves a disturbing oddity of pitching at the start .
17 If an individual works longer hours than he or she would wish to do in the absence of taxation , that involves a loss of welfare .
18 With great respect , to begin with , that involves a fundamental re-examination of this and other offences under the Theft Act .
19 With that goes a rejection of the corrupted language and thought of the old politics .
20 That goes a bit haywire then .
21 It is my contention that entrenchment and cynicism both reflect and serve to heighten an atmosphere of demoralization ; that they arise as a result of a semi-conscious decision by teachers about how to cope with doubts and demands ; that while this stance often seems the only possible option it is a mistake to adopt it ; and that through insight into the dynamics of the decision-making process , a better stance can be found , even in very trying circumstances , that offers a greater opportunity for personal satisfaction and institutional success .
22 That guarantees a certain deliberate power to disturb .
23 Another serious offence is buggery ( intercourse per anum ) , but that constitutes a crime whether committed consensually or non-consensually , and it is the non-consensual form which ranks as a serious sexual assault .
24 Obviously that constitutes a threat for the future .
25 Ooh if you have that beats a full house .
26 Example 5 is an arpeggio of an Asus2 chord , played with a sweep technique , that covers a full two octaves .
27 York 's a historic city of some hundred and four thousand people , covering some two thousand nine hundred hectares , but that city itself is only part of the settlement that I think we would all regard as as York itself , that covers a larger population of some a hundred and thirty five thousand people , er contained er within the York outer ring road , and referenced to the the map submitted with my H One submission , and also the greenbelt plan which we 've we 've just put up on the board there , er will show you the the broader extent of the urban area .
28 The Health and Safety at Work Act , that 's one line with nothing decided , that covers a vast array of tenants and individuals and regulations .
29 was er whether the please ensure erm looking at carriageway major repairs you see area two tended to ninety three thousand pounds and that covers a lot of things which might include .
30 What I do n't wa , I know it 's handy sometimes you think , ah that covers a lot of things for me and you may have come across something yourself I 'll the there is a key , there should be a key to those things in my cupboard , those lifelines things not the same as cha , I 've got all sorts of ideas that you might pick out and say right we can use that as a lesson you might even just say well sod copyright I 'm gon na photocopy that and I 'll use it !
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