Example sentences of "that [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 A word that coins the same message .
2 Michelle has n't done it frequently but i you know I would never even talk to me like that Sarah the little erm madam that she is , just like Kerry , which they are !
3 If as a result of that provision the trustees or the majority of them are deemed , in relation to the trust , not to be resident in the United Kingdom , the provision goes on further to provide that the general administration of the trust shall be treated as ordinarily carried on outside the United Kingdom .
4 by the veins , there 's always an exception to every rule and the exception to that rule in the case of the heart and the lung connection is the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary vein , you may not get asked anything about this , but just in case you do it 's as well to know , in that instance the flow is reversed , in other words the pulmonary vein takes blood away from the heart and up to the lungs , and the pulmonary artery brings the oxygenated blood back down to the heart from the lungs , if you want to have a look at the diagrams for that and look at it yourself later on , there 's no need for you to get concerned or confused about this at all , there 's no need .
5 The applicant then submitted that a statutory redundancy payment was ‘ pay ’ within article 119 and that on the employer 's default to make that payment the Secretary of State guaranteed the sum under section 106 .
6 Without that admission the pricing policy in issue could doubtless have been justified as a permissible interpretation of the requirements of long-term profitability .
7 In the light of that decision the Court of Appeal , in a short judgment , concluded that the taxpayer 's rights from their sub-licensing operations neither arose in nor derived from Hong Kong .
8 The better the preparation of That decision the closer will the result approximate to the " go " or " no-go " idiom .
9 It 's interesting to note that actually now we 've since made that decision the residual has as I 've said come down to nine four seven , so if we do have a new settlement of fourteen hundred we 're already ending up with a a higher level of proposed development for Greater York now , the nine seven would obviously be exceeded if we had a fourteen hundred new settlement within Greater York .
10 And er once we 've past that hurdle the other two are fairly easy .
11 But the old Jew and that whore the other night would not .
12 In that play the lovers are wholly sensitive and communicate to perfection .
13 I want England to win , but if we do nt then at least we have got rid of that arsehole the way he deserves .
14 Which ever direction the bream are following , it is in that direction the bream will roll .
15 Twenty paces or so beyond the shed the road twisted out of sight , and it was from that direction the smell of burning was being carried by the breeze .
16 In that trial the author was defended on the grounds that he had to transgress moral respectability in order to be moral at a deeper , more authentic level dictated by personal conscience .
17 The issue now facing the Party had become the defeat of global finance capital , and in that struggle the Party could choose to support the rights of national independence or of world proletarian unity , but not both .
18 Now though it 's time for the break and coming up after that crossing the channel with those magnificent men in their microlight .
19 We know , for instance , that he was president of the commission for the building of the great statue of Athena by Phidias , and of that fur the Lyceum ( Philuchoros F 121 and 37 ) , that he was on the Parthenon commission ( Strabo 395 ) , and that he was responsible in an elected capacity for the Odeum ( Plut .
20 That afternoon the convener communicated his version of the story to the shop steward 's committee and within an hour every department was buzzing with the news .
21 That afternoon the matron of Abigail 's hospital rang from Bristol to tell us her lungs had finally got the better of her heart and she 'd died an hour ago .
22 That afternoon the wheelbarrow even stuck when I pulled it off the road for a break .
23 So much so that she was not left alone with him , but that afternoon the mother had had to go shopping and the child had returned from a swimming session in the baths and had been alone with the man .
24 Between 10 and 16 live whales were seen milling around the mouth of the Nene at 8.30 that morning ; low water was at midday , and at about 5 that afternoon the pod was seen swimming off to the north on the rising tide .
25 That afternoon the floor of the shrine had been freshly plastered with mud and cow-dung and was smooth and clean , and the hearth had been cleared of its old ash .
26 He walked hunched into himself , as if the rain were beating on him , though that afternoon the sun was shining .
27 Later that afternoon the Joyces were the guests of a descendant of Prince von Bulow , whom they had encountered in London :
28 That afternoon the passport was delivered to the Soviet Embassy for renewal on an emergency application .
29 At three o'clock that afternoon the four-wheel-drive Audi had disregarded the thickening blizzard and raced away from the threat of Nordhausen towards Leipzig and Dresden .
30 That afternoon the King telephoned Winston Churchill , one of his closest friends .
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