Example sentences of "had give [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Having spent hours daydreaming about Portugal and Dom João , she had given scarcely a thought to the alternative .
2 The little ship had given remarkably good results and was immediately put into service to carry bulk cargo across the North Atlantic and the Baltic Sea .
3 The British General Strike of 1926 had given both Germany and Poland a new sense of the gains that might be made through co-operation , and while they explored this unexpected windfall , the effects of the Polish currency reform were hidden .
4 It can be argued ( and was so argued by the Saudis ) that any over-supply had been provoked by the encouragement that the over-rapid price increase in the 1970s had given both to fuel conservation on the part of consumers and to the economics of projects to develop substitutes for oil and especially OPEC oil .
5 Karen King — because she was English , Jessica insisted — had given over even thinking about them , let alone imagining what they might do with their hard , lean bodies and their tired , rope-burned hands , had given over bothering to deny she 'd had such fantasies .
6 Both had given away vast amounts of top-secret material without their employers being aware .
7 Despite this somewhat unstable basis the Company did quite well until 1630 when trade was dislocated by a famine in Gujerat , and in the next few years its legal position was undermined because Charles I allowed the Courteen family — whose interests in the West Indies had suffered because he had given away their rights in certain islands inadvertently — to trade with India without any regard for the Company 's charter .
8 Steel-Maitland wrote to The Times in 1913 to accuse the Liberals of corrupt practices at the Wick Burghs by-election , and Sanders noted that at Taunton they had given away half-crowns wrapped in Liberal leaflets ; both contests went against the trend , so there may be some truth in the allegations .
9 My maximum bet had given away my hand and forced Judas to go one way where he would otherwise have certainly gone both .
10 If the Government had given away Hampshire Bus and the assets had then been sold for £2 , 1 million , the profit would have been the same to the buyer , and the loss to the public purse in real terms would have been no less .
11 He had given away all rights in the property .
12 He came in with the ideas , give the drivers and conductors everything they asked for whereby my training had always been to only give them what they were really entitled to , not give them anything extra but he gave them the earth and that erm did n't sort of go very well for the new Manager who came in , he had a lot of undoing to do there , that this fella had given away , in his six or seven weeks there .
13 She knew that , without meaning to , she had given away a lot of her life and thought , and wished she had not .
14 ‘ In total , he received around £12,000 of cigarettes and spirit which he had given away to business colleagues or sold on through his business , ’ said Roger Dutton , prosecuting .
15 ‘ In total he received around £12,000 of cigarettes and spirits which he had given away to business colleagues or sold on through his business , ’ said Roger Dutton , prosecuting .
16 Yet Labour had not fought the election solely on a negative programme of hostility to Protection but on its socialist programme ; and the electors had given even less of a mandate to socialism than to Protection .
17 I had thought at the time , wrote Goldberg , turning the page , wiping his brow , taking a sip of orange juice from the glass on the desk beside him , dreaming for a moment of the cigarettes he had given up two years earlier , I had thought , he wrote , that an edited version of the text , with only those comments directly concerned with the Big Glass included , would serve you best .
18 The KPNLF , which launched an attack on Saturday , four days after the withdrawal of Vietnamese troops , had given up attempts to occupy the town of Svay Cheak and the capital of Banteay Meanchey province , Sisophon .
19 Jaguar retreated 32p to 653p with stories flowing that Ford had given up its pursuit and planned to buy 50 per cent of the Swedish Saab group .
20 Yes , after we had given up all intention of going there , we have arrived .
21 He had given up his three stripes to join the Commandos and was now the father of two children , a boy and a girl , his wife living with her parents in Perth .
22 By mid-season Lotus had given up and gone back to the 72 .
23 During the day , Erika wondered what her mother wanted her for , but after two hours in the gym she had given up wondering , and , indeed , had forgotten about it .
24 He was disappointed , too , that his father had given up artistic ideals in the pursuit of money .
25 When he began writing again , he had given up realism for allegory about the conflict between , among other things , science and religion .
26 One of the country 's vice-presidents , Mr Casimir Ionescu , said thousands of Securitate members waging a guerrilla campaign had given up , while hundreds remained at large .
27 But to the sounds of utter silence from the European section of the Augusta press room , he hit his tee shot at the short 12th into the water , took five and by the 15th had given up his lead .
28 Doyle smiled , with sneering triumph , thinking he had given up .
29 But she had given up telling Gloria about what went on each day .
30 There had never been any doubt in her mind that she would look after her parents in their old age : they had given up a lot for her , she said , and that was how she could repay them .
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