Example sentences of "had do what " in BNC.

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1 Early yesterday morning the West German Embassy in Prague had done what it always denied it would do , and closed its doors .
2 It drew to an end in April 1964 with Mr Mandela 's four-hour speech from the dock , in which he defended the formation of Umkhonto we Sizwe and said he had done what he did for the ideal of a free and democratic society , ‘ an ideal for which I am prepared to die ’ .
3 Frazer , through setting out to study an essential ritual of the primitive dead , had done what Eliot hoped modern literature , including Sweeney Agonistes would do .
4 By the time Kádár resigned in 1988 , he had come to be thought of as a kind of benign pragmatist , who had done what he could in difficult circumstances .
5 He had done what was hoped of him , always , had four A's at A Level , a First , a PhD .
6 Here , if he did n't return , Primaflora would receive his letter , and his parcel , and would understand why he had done what he had done .
7 He had done what the Phoenicians had done , and the Byzantines , the Romans , the Crusaders , the Genoese and the Mamelukes .
8 She had done what she could .
9 Satisfied that he had done what he had been instructed , the young American walked back down to Bayswater Road and soon hailed a cab for Heathrow .
10 The first thing she asked was if I had done what I promised
11 I had done what a lot of people do when struck with shyness — tried to detach myself from a situation because I anticipated rejection .
12 He had done what all Europe had failed to do : he had stopped Bonaparte .
13 I felt I had done what was necessary .
14 Alice thought it would be easier to phone someone like that than her own mother if you had done what she had done , but she could be wrong there .
15 Samuel Reichmann , the father of the multi-billionaire sons , had done what Klein said he had done in Tangier .
16 In the early days I had been a bit disappointed that the NUJ had n't immediately leapt to John 's defence , but ever since I had first been to see the General Secretary , Harry Conroy , and his assistant , Tom Nash , the union had done what it could to respond to what was asked of them .
17 The scene of crime team had done what they could , which was n't much .
18 Afterwards I had no sense that I had been forgiven , but I had done what I was called upon to do and there it must rest .
19 She had done what nobody could have expected her to do .
20 Joe held out his hand , they shook hands and walked away from each other , Joe feeling that he had done what he could to save Maureen from wrecking her life and suffering years of pain but troubled by sympathy and liking for Chris .
21 By mid-morning she had done what housework she was prepared to do , and although she had used the vacuum cleaner , her nose felt full of dust , her heart heavy : she had picked up all manner of objects — scent bottles , jugs , a Staffordshire dog — wiped them desultorily and put them back .
22 Ruth had done what they did .
23 On neither occasion could he say why he had done what he did , nor had he done it in the company of other pupils he wanted to impress .
24 She had done what should have been his job .
25 Wycliffe looked at his watch and wondered whether Glynn had done what was necessary .
26 He had done what she had wanted and now she was sorry .
27 Feeling that he had done what he could , Redpath walked back to the steps .
28 He would not swear that the Prince of Wales had enjoyed every minute , but at least he , Auguste Didier , had done what he could .
29 He had done what he had to do .
30 This was no doubt very wicked of them , but I bear them no animosity at all : I had done what I wanted to do , which was to obtain a glimpse of the Caucasus from the most easternly town of any size in Turkey .
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