Example sentences of "had be any " in BNC.

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1 Traffic of this kind had occurred on a large scale in the period following on the October Revolution , but if there had been any ‘ bagmen ’ left by 1921–2 in the Middle Volga region , they would have been ruthlessly stamped out .
2 It was hours now since we had last eaten , hours more since there had been any sleep .
3 The Prime Minister has again denied that there had been any direct British assistance to the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia .
4 The magistrate , Mr S.K. Upadhyaya , resplendent among the dusty villagers in a navy blazer and a silver-tipped walking stick , denied that there had been any attempt to intimidate voters .
5 It was Doyle who answered , thoughtfully , as though it had been any ordinary question .
6 Leo had promised to ring me that evening in case there had been any news from the hospital ; and I told him my own news .
7 It was the first time in the campaign that there had been any rapport between the embattled figures on the platform and the assembled press and television correspondents .
8 Without warning the air was split by a high pitched banshee wail , rising and falling on a sliding scale of pain that would have made the slates fall off the roof if there had been any .
9 Intriguing but unimportant differences were that the Earth spun much faster in those early days — so the days and nights were much shorter ; and the moon was much closer , so it would have appeared vast in the sky ( if there had been any creature to observe it ) and the tides would have been far more dramatic .
10 She should have known she was ill , got a doctor to see her earlier , not waited until the bronchitis had turned to pneumonia , so that none of their injections and treatment had been any good .
11 Although the CEGB immediately denied that there had been any unreported incident at the power station , the effect of the health authority report was electric .
12 The unrest was taken sufficiently seriously to prompt vigorous attempts by senior members of the government to dampen this constant speculation about the leadership : for example , Sir Geoffrey Howe , among others , publicly denied that there had been any Cabinet-level discussion about the Prime Minister standing down .
13 If there had been any money in the first place .
14 Nobody knew there were any in the loch but then we only got the one and it would not surprise me if he had not eaten all the others if there had been any others that is .
15 If Whizzo had been any good Jazz could have transferred but Biddy , having given Whizzo the thumbs down , had found him a good home with a nervous lady in the suburbs and he was no longer available .
16 If it had been any priest other than Father Devlin he would have told him to go to hell and mind his own business .
17 We did not claim that there had been any cases of poisoning in Britain , but referred to the numerous American cases ( FDA Drug Bulletin 1977 , vol 7 , p 26 ; New England Journal of Medicine 1979 , vol 300 , p 238 ) .
18 I wanted to find out if there had been any mistakes , so I asked Ron if he had spotted any .
19 I was particularly interested to hear if there had been any changes in the condition of skin , nails and hair .
20 I asked Clem if there had been any other jingle sessions where he 'd had to recreate an original .
21 He expected Willie to ask if there had been any post but there was no response .
22 They did n't ask if there had been any strange behaviour patterns , difficulties with school work , or inexplicable changes in the usual conduct of any of the children .
23 The local member for South Ronaldsay and Burray , Councillor Cyril Annal , wrote to Orkney Health Board asking whether there had been any consultation with Health Board employees and general practitioners prior to the removal of the nine children from their homes .
24 Neither husband nor daughter had been any help .
25 On the one hand , only three per cent of credit buyers said that there had been any difficulty getting the sort of terms they wanted — more or less regardless of what type-of credit they actually used , or of their socio-economic background .
26 At least , if there had been any dust it would have been sweeping it .
27 She said : ‘ If he had been any shorter he would not have survived . ’
28 Standing at Reception at the Rossiya , asking if there had been any messages because the Ministry might.have telephoned to give timings for his meeting .
29 A large venture capital organisation , who refused to comment on individual headhunter performance , wrote that on the whole good candidates had been put forward , but that they would not know if there had been any leaks or illegal use of information by search firms .
30 Geneva was the centre of the terrorist trade , it was the one place where Duncan would find out if there had been any international involvement in the kidnap .
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