Example sentences of "had a [det] " in BNC.

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1 So too had a former marine commander , Lieut-General Cho Ki Yup .
2 ‘ I had a little difficulty on first arriving , but that is surely only normal . ’
3 He had a little money on him , and could hide out until the end of the month .
4 I agreed to care for ‘ our ’ baby whilst her mother had a little happiness .
5 I put my photos up and then I had a little rest .
6 " If only Toby had a little money or a proper job — he 's a sweet boy , but "
7 I had a little money saved and I began to use it up .
8 Besides she had a little money of her own .
9 I had a little money and French had always been the lingua franca of my home .
10 It was fortunate that I had a little time to accustom myself to being in such a place and to the thought of seeing my father .
11 When William had gone , she thought of all the things she had planned to do as soon as she had a little time to herself .
12 I had a little money from my father 's will , administered by his British solicitors .
13 You see , my dear , we had a little difficulty over which should adorn the top of the tree , the star of Bethlehem which is of course the only proper thing as well as being the only thing countenanced by the Rector , or an immensely glittering and unsuitable fairy doll someone was so ill-judged as to give to Helen .
14 ’ It may be all right for those who choose happily , but think of the mistakes that could be avoided if people had a little help .
15 Maybe he had a little doubt as he approached the ramp , but he opened up the throttle again and landed on the rear wheel , as planned . ’
16 On Wednesday evening , the Admiral looked in on the club after dinner and Amiss heard him say goodnight to the five , remarking that he had a little work to do in the office , after which he would get back home and turn in : he looked forward to seeing them the following day .
17 eating too much , I suppose if you had a little glass , then just one
18 If I had a little money in a rich man 's world .
19 Unlike Princess Julie , the rest of the family spent their time in repeating malicious gossip about Eugénie 's past life , hinting that she had a more than dubious reputation , but their attitude in no way influenced the Emperor , except perhaps in a contrary sense .
20 While agreeing with this description of Hoccleve 's illness as of psychotic severity , our own evaluation is that it had a more depressive quality , many of the symptoms described by Hoccleve meeting the modern criteria for serious depression .
21 At the time when the Hundred Years war broke out , a defender had a more than even chance of beating off an attack .
22 Others represented yet more heroes and champions , of which the disc had a more than adequate supply .
23 It is a tale full of interest , and it reveals an attitude to work and to the Service that makes pleasant reading ( unhappily some authors give the impression they had a less than fulfilling time while in the RAF ) .
24 The church attracted quite large congregations and the Sunday School not only offered pupils a full day trip to the sea during the summer but also splendid Christmas treats , thus somewhat upstaging the Anglicans who had a half day trip to the New Forest with an ordinary Christmas Tea .
25 The shop was often at its busiest on a Saturday , when the farmers came in , or the men who had a half day themselves were marched in by wives to have themselves fitted out by Mr Hogan , or Mike the old assistant , the tailor who had been there since time immemorial .
26 The kitchen opened into a very pleasant sitting-room , which had a door leading to a little dairy on the right and then to the stairs which had a half landing with a tiny window looking out at the back .
27 On our return to Abergynolwyn we had a half hour wait to allow the Talyllyn 's vintage train to pass through and this allowed us to get a snack in the refreshment room .
28 He had a half smile on his face and his green eyes were suddenly alive with excitement .
29 If they had a half decent team then perhaps they would warrant a few more column inches ! !
30 She said he had a half a pound of raw liver yesterday mum .
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