Example sentences of "tellin' [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You were tellin' me about this ‘ she ’ , ’ urged Andra with relish .
2 ‘ Well , if you 're tellin' me that our cellar leads out to the East River , then it follows that the East River leads to our cellar , and it could just happen that somebody would leave a door open somewhere , and we 'd have the whole of the East River down round our feet . ’
3 ‘ You 're tellin' me , ’ said Denis with some astonishment .
4 Tellin' me what ter do with me own kids .
5 D'yer mind tellin' me where yer come from ? ’
6 ‘ D' you mind tellin' me what you 've been up to all day ? ’ demanded Dolly .
7 ‘ Tommy Allen was tellin' me 'is wife 's pregnant , ’ she began .
8 Sadie was tellin' me 'e 's bin 'angin' around wiv a bad crowd from Rovver'ithe . ’
9 Sadie was tellin' me that bloke they ‘ ung last year fer killin' that shopkeeper over in Stepney used ter be one o' the crowd 'er Billy 's gettin' wiv . ’
10 She was tellin' me the ovver day she wants Fred ter try an' get that empty 'ouse next door ter make the place bigger .
11 'E was jus ' tellin' me about the unions , an' 'ow they 're all worried about a General Strike .
12 Well , ter cut a long story short 'e ends up tellin' me that the last bloke was put off fer losin' too much time an' I might be a bad time-keeper as well , what wiv me injuries .
13 ‘ That 's tellin' 'er , ’ he said .
14 Look , I 'm simply tellin' ya to drop it out of the presentation , that 's all .
15 ‘ I 'm tellin' ye , Denis , yon 's a voice , a real voice , ’ Jock was saying .
16 ‘ I 'm tellin' ye ’ alright , ’ said Jock , ‘ an' another thing , ’ he turned to his wife , ’ — is n't this right Margaret — ’ She nodded dutifully .
17 Look I 'm tellin' you … — Duncan , I want to go .
18 ‘ Your man there is a quare hawk , I 'm tellin' you .
19 ‘ Well all I 'm tellin' you , Pat , is that he 's made a lot of enemies .
20 Tellin' you summat you need to know .
21 ‘ I 'm tellin' you , woman .
22 One day there 'll be a letter tellin' you he 's all right , just you see if there is n't . ’
23 ‘ I 've just been tellin' you how Mr Winterburn chased me all over the house when 'is fam'ly was at church one Sunday .
24 I 'm just tellin' y' about round our way .
25 Not that she 'll recognize ye , her sight 's none too good , but we 've been tellin' her for days ye 'd be coming . ’
26 Well , it ai n't surprisin' , with 'is own wife callin' 'im a sinner , and tellin' 'im 'e ought to wash more …
27 Are ye tellin' us that he 's the one responsible ? ’
28 Whit urr ye gon na be tellin' us noo , Isabel .
29 ‘ Our vicar was tellin' us about the people who are leadin' the uprisin' in Russia .
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