Example sentences of "interacts with " in BNC.

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1 A committed critic writes from a social , nationalist or political conviction , which interacts with an aesthetic response to a work of art .
2 Moreover , what we perceive far exceeds what actually interacts with our nervous system ; for what interacts with our nervous systems is occurrent energy and what we perceive are continuant objects ( see earlier , p. 98 ) .
3 Moreover , what we perceive far exceeds what actually interacts with our nervous system ; for what interacts with our nervous systems is occurrent energy and what we perceive are continuant objects ( see earlier , p. 98 ) .
4 In this way , the organizational climate interacts with the men 's personal qualities to predispose the majority of them to define their role as one of community service .
5 Our subject is the body clock ; how it influences our physiology and behaviour and how it interacts with the rhythms in our environment .
6 The Active Microwave Instrument radar system , built by Marconi Space Systems , is significant because it can be used over land or ocean : it will return vital information about how the wind interacts with waves .
7 The way in which the atmosphere interacts with the oceans remains a last great unknown in Earth science .
8 However , it also affects how one individual interacts with others and so is often confused with aspects of a horse 's temperament .
9 Ulysses has already relayed data on Jupiter 's magnetic field , how the solar wind interacts with it , and on the interplanetary region .
10 Gibberellin , shown to be necessary for continued growth of dodder vine tips in aseptic cultures , also interacts with cytokinins and auxins in the growth of subapical segments ; it augments their effects .
11 The result of social and cognitive tests administered to the children between the ages of one and three obliged the authors to conclude that their data provided ‘ little or no support for the notion that how a mother interacts with her baby during the baby 's first few months of life has any particular consequences for later social or cognitive development ’ .
12 scientists found that the linear chain is more stable if it undergoes a Peierls ( pronounced piles ) distortion ; each electron interacts with only one of its neighbours to form a structure of alternating short ( double ) and long ( single ) carbon-carbon bonds .
13 Nevertheless there is considerable evidence that the immune system interacts with both the nervous system and the hormones .
14 It is clear that Candida interacts with the body in various ways , which are both complex and subtle — in particular , its relationship with the sex hormones and with the immune system .
15 The EIS 2600+ chemical inventory is stored on a database which interacts with digital colour maps .
16 Having recognized that form is a reflection of the underlying energy pattern and that it interacts with it , it is possible for the best sites to be found .
17 When DMS interacts with atmospheric oxygen it can create clouds over the ocean and can determine how much solar heat reaches the surface .
18 For the uninitiated , a notch shift is a device which interacts with the mid-range response of the amplifier , in this case at either 250 or 550Hz , offering greater control over a particular frequency band .
19 What matters is the way equipment interacts with you .
20 A devotee praying before the idol and gazing at the God 's face is thus influenced by an electro-magnetic field which interacts with the devotee 's own bioenergy field .
21 The behaviour of atoms in this sensibility is governed by the same principles that apply to human systems , or any energetic system throughout nature or the universe that interacts with the medium in which it exists ( its environment ) and exchanges energy .
22 In turn , we structure our lives and influence our growth , development and behavioural patterns by continual interaction or feedback with the etheric field or Akasha , just as any evolving product of our own creative ability ( e.g. a musical composition or the contents of a book ) interacts with our consciousness and undergoes modification during the process .
23 The extent to which the ‘ potential ’ revealed by the child 's adult-supported activity is realised depends to a great extent on the way in which the adult interacts with the child .
24 The fantasy city that interacts with the real one . ’
25 Intel Corp 's request for a US International Trade Commission investigation of Taiwanese manufacturer Twinhead International Corp ( CI No 2,168 ) seems to plunge into a very grey area : the company is claiming that the way the processor interacts with support components to implement memory management for paging software is patented , and that manufacturers using clones of iAPX-86 family chips — Twinhead is using chips from Cyrix Corp and Advanced Micro Devices Inc — are required to pay Intel a royalty of 1% of the wholesale price of their machines for use of the patented technique .
26 Eleven of the 15 signers signed ‘ skateboard ’ in terms of its shape ( oval with pairs of wheels ) , its movement ( forward and side to side ) and how a person interacts with it ( standing on the board , balancing with arms and body ) .
27 Similarly for ‘ punchball ’ , the predominant way of signing it was threefold : shape ( ball on a stick ) , movement ( springs to and fro on a pivot ) and how a person interacts with it ( hands punching alternately ) ; these three are salient features .
28 Since each baboon interacts with many others , and since there may be a long delay between action and reciprocation , stability requires that a baboon should recognise individuals , and remember how each has behaved , or , at the very least , associate with each individual a positive or negative sign , depending on how it has behaved .
29 Someone — teacher , examiner , ‘ assessor ’ — observes the student at work , or perhaps interacts with him/her in some way , or more commonly analyses products of the student 's work .
30 Protein G interacts with the constant domain of the heavy chain ( CH1 ) .
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