Example sentences of "pencilled in " in BNC.

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1 Davis , of course , would have walked into England 's team in Poland a week on Wednesday ; until last season 's prolonged suspension , followed by injury , Bobby Robson had him firmly pencilled in as Bryan Robson 's replacement .
2 About £8 billion , including debenture repayments , is pencilled in for 1992–93 , largely from outstanding payments on already privatised assets .
3 Thereafter , having performed on Brian 's ‘ Back To The Light ’ LP , Neil was pencilled in to do the tour …
4 A first summit attempt by selected climbers has been pencilled in for between Friday and next Monday .
5 Blackburn Rovers ' Scottish defender , who has only one B cap to his name , has already been pencilled in as replacement for Richard Gough who was sent off in Switzerland this week .
6 And it 's being pencilled in for the weekend after Wigan are due to defend their world sevens title in Sydney on February 5-7 .
7 A couple to note in the Sturt colours are Scintillas Crest and Scintillas Silk — who have been pencilled in for Thursday 's meeting .
8 A tour has been pencilled in for November but , if you ca n't wait , Sean 's management would like to remind you that there 's a video around called Sean Hughes — Live And Seriously Funny .
9 71000 will be returning to Didcot Railway centre shortly after , for winter maintenance , and to take up duties as part of the Southern pool of locomotives for the SLOA Winter programme , details will be announced shortly , although a number of trips using 71000 have been pencilled in .
10 However , on Saturday , October 10 , it is pencilled in for a proposed Newcastle to Maryport via Leeds , Skipton and Workington special , returning to Bradford Forster Square .
11 Motorola Inc has put Intel Corp on the spot with its decision to price the first iterations of the PowerPC chip at $280 each for the 50MHz 601 and $374 each for the 66MHz 601 in quantities of 20,000 or more , since these are about half the prices Intel had pencilled in for its Pentium chips ( CI No 2,156 ) .
12 One thing is clear none of this OO stuff is imminent in Oracle as SQL 3 is pencilled in for 1995/6 and an object storage manager will most likely follow that .
13 The deal I concluded for Jean-Claude amounted to twice the sum that had been pencilled in .
14 In places , blocks were only pencilled in .
15 In recent years , the obituaries have been pencilled in as Liverpool have brought in younger strike partners .
16 He is also in the chair for the second single , due in May , and the debut album which is pencilled in for an August release .
17 The Malone Masters will span four days , two of them Pro-Am days , and has been pencilled in from Thursday to Sunday , August 12–15 .
18 However , due to the short notice , Randalstown would have been without four key players on May 15 which was pencilled in as the reserve date .
19 Leading Tory Lady Olga Maitland had been pencilled in by the South Belfast Conservative Association to go on the hustings with candidates last weekend .
20 the first time I get up well you see I cheat I have it lightly pencilled in
21 Two particularly attractive games which could have a significant bearing on the title race have been pencilled in with Randalstown entertaining Portadown on Wednesday October 13 at Antrim Forum and Portadown taking on Pegasus at Blaris on November 24 .
22 The use of some facilities at RUC Headquarters at Knock has also been pencilled in , if there is major damage to both Parliament Buildings and Stormont Castle .
23 UB may be pencilled in for a show in the King 's Hall on January
24 The date was pencilled in during the summer , but the tourists , who will effectively be a near Springbok side , wanted a Saturday fixture .
25 Although they have been pencilled in for the Cymru Alliance next season , Llani have faint hopes of winning a reprieve if a present club pulls out of the Konica League .
26 Assistant manager Mick Tait said : ‘ He was pencilled in to play , but he withdrew himself before the game . ’
27 A further meeting had been pencilled in for today , but ministers emerged after a two-hour meeting with the plans agreed .
28 Yeah I know , I 've got that pencilled in for something .
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