Example sentences of "slept in " in BNC.

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1 She curled up in the position she had slept in as a child ; and realised with a sinking heart that it was not only the most comfortable way of being in bed , but it was also one that you could not adopt in company .
2 Dot peered in through the tiny curtained windows of the dolls ' house and saw quiet furnished rooms , the playroom , kitchen , parlour , waiting to be lived in , a table set for tea , beds to be slept in , armchairs to be sat on .
3 Sergei 's bed had n't been slept in , and presumably he 'd been to bed with Masha .
4 The police bed was the most comfortable he had slept in for years , and the meal really good .
5 He took me round all the places he 'd slept in .
6 His clothes clung to his tall , slender frame , though they were slightly mussed after being slept in for a week .
7 ‘ The boys said the bed was rumpled , but they were n't convinced it had been slept in .
8 The bed had n't been slept in .
9 Alice went up to her room , and squatted down in the corner where her bed had been , the narrow white bed she had slept in since she was ten years old .
10 When I went up to check on him a few minutes ago , his bed was empty and cold ; it had n't been slept in .
11 He had n't seen O'Hara all morning because he 'd slept in .
12 The bed had n't been slept in .
13 His clothes , dated and drab , appeared to have been slept in .
14 His bed has n't been slept in . "
15 The one she had slept in for years before moving upstairs this summer to share with Thérèse .
16 Mother asked me to call him , but he was n't in his room and his bed had n't been slept in . ’
17 The bed was made , but did n't seem to have been slept in for some time , although there was a folded pair of pyjamas under the pillow .
18 That , for some reason , almost made him give up , not the pain , but the familiar bit of furniture , the bed he had slept in for fifteen years , now hopelessly astray and as it seemed attacking him .
19 She was surprised to find how late she 'd slept in .
20 He thought it was a joke that she had slept in and there was no sign whatsoever of guilt at his desertion of her .
21 The covers were undisturbed , showing that the bed had not been slept in .
22 Marc saw at once that the bed had n't been slept in , but said nothing .
23 His bed had been slept in , but there was no sign of Travis .
24 He still was n't back when I returned that night , and when I woke the next morning , his side of the bed had n't been slept in .
25 Did n't hear her , and she was n't there in the morning , no sign of her bed being slept in .
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