Example sentences of "afforded the " in BNC.

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1 After a concert at Stockton 's Dovecote Arts Centre , they were afforded the luxury of bed and breakfast at a local hotel .
2 Though I had small scale maps at three inches to a mile for some areas they are not produced for all the Sahara , nor could I have afforded the hundred pounds they would have cost if they had been .
3 Their assigned role is best exemplified by the fact that in the 1992 World Cup in Australia , the bowling side was afforded the advantage of two white new balls .
4 Although two thirds of the children born out of wedlock are registered by both parents , and illegitimacy is on the increase , we in Britain have not reached the position arrived at in Sweden where , since I January 1988 , partners who live together outside marriage are afforded the same legal rights as those who are married .
5 We now just wish to be left in peace to live our own lives and be afforded the same respect as any other family in Passfield .
6 The family took Victor back home because had he died in hospital then they could not have afforded the funeral expenses .
7 It was n't so much the cash , although there was plenty of that ; it was the security boxes that had afforded the biggest haul , the accumulated assets , in gold and precious stones , of hundreds of Americans in England .
8 ‘ I am sad we have not been afforded the same welcome given to the Beirut hostages , ’ he told a deeply moved audience at the AGM last month .
9 The Goodies have — unfairly — never been afforded the same mystique .
10 Yet Katia is one of the ‘ elite ’ tennis youngsters of Great Britain , one of those who , because of her gifts , her talents , is afforded the opportunity to develop her tennis skills in accordance with her academic studies , and not despite them .
11 In fact aggro leaders are probably afforded the greatest degree of deference within the group and by novices as well .
12 Which suggests that both bands would benefit from being afforded the time and backing needed to develop , without being under too much pressure to sign a deal .
13 discretion or it is hoped that pupils would be afforded the opportunity to make their own , if
14 Although the housing scheme is the size of a town , the working class people who were placed in them were never afforded the amenities or investment of a town and from the beginning until present , have always had to fight for decent schools , transport , shops , housing , play , entertainment and recreation facilities , all the basic infrastructure needed to build a community and which the people in the inner city and middle class parts of the city take for granted .
15 The second was that Winchester had a right of appeal under the Lautro Rules which they had not been afforded the opportunity of exercising .
16 Structure Plan Policy E Four provides that conservation areas will be afforded the strictest protection .
17 If he is afforded the slightest respect it makes him worse , larger . ’
18 A more likely scenario is that male rape victims would be afforded the same shoddy treatment as their female counterparts .
19 Healthcare and Medical airfresh customers are afforded the luxury of having a fragrance in the atmosphere twenty four hours a day .
20 As I was called by you on Question 16 , only to be discourteously interrupted by the hon. Member for Bradford , South ( Mr. Cryer ) , will you refer to the Procedure Committee whether or not such an interruption should be permitted as a means of closing a question , or whether Members should be afforded the courtesy of asking their question , after such an interruption , when Question Time ends ?
21 That does not answer the burning problem of law-breaking on a Sunday , especially when the House has not been afforded the opportunity even to debate the matter in full so that a consensus of hon. Members can be taken .
22 It seeks to examine the subject matter and methods of local decision-making , the extent of participation by rank and file members when they are afforded the opportunity and the representativeness of the local decision-makers in terms of the views on trade unionism , militancy and political identification of the rank and file members .
23 It means that we will need to issue a full form investment business engagement letter ( see 0403.1 above ) and the client will be afforded the protection under the FSA for individual investors .
24 One would hope that Mr Tillson could have afforded the appeal .
25 I do I do have three or four interviews lined up and obviously I would have having been afforded the opportunity of of the interviews I would like to follow up .
26 Still , a Government lately inclined to talk nostalgically about communities might well reflect on whether the actions of a Timex could be said to mesh well with the interests or values of a community which has long afforded the company a secure base and a loyal workforce .
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