Example sentences of "[modal v] no longer [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Her poor father might still like his lunch on time , even though he could no longer hold a fork and had to be helped to eat .
2 It is perhaps not surprising that , in such circumstances , the older defensive logics of the discipline , and especially the petit bourgeois critical consciousness of the Scrutiny tendency , could no longer offer a generally acceptable disciplinary ideology .
3 Nearly all the canine members of the police dog section are former unwanted pets donated by families who for a variety of reasons found the could no longer offer a home to man 's best friend .
4 Among the most important functions are the mental faculties without which a person could no longer lead a useful life .
5 As has been suggested , the existence , seemingly side by side , of two distinct moral codes — a traditional Christian position and the ‘ new morality ’ — and the public ‘ battle ’ between the two , as new ideas came into conflict with old , gave the impression to many that the Church could no longer present a united front .
6 There are no bureaucrats going round counting the jobs that never happened , the jobs that went away or the small firms that have packed up because they could no longer make a profit under the new controls and restrictions on their work force .
7 I was now so thin , so tubular that I could no longer wear a belt .
8 Councillors had told them they could no longer use a less isolated car park next to the council offices , but now look certain to reverse their decision tomorrow .
9 I hope that we never reach the position that I have sometimes , although not often , met in my constituency , when I have received a phone call from a private home to the effect that it could no longer keep a patient who had perhaps become doubly incontinent .
10 In an exchange of letters Rothermere said he could no longer support a movement which was becoming increasingly to believe in dictatorship , anti-semitism and the corporate state .
11 Mr Johnstone said the group could no longer guarantee a bed for life regardless of whether residents were privately funded or eligible for income support .
12 Lebanon 's own power-sharing institutions lasted longest and only finally fragmented when Muslim–Maronite friction — and foreign interference — became so intense that parliament could no longer elect a president .
13 Therefore , s.64 would no longer serve a useful purpose .
14 She had n't made love with him , but for him the battle had already been won , and she would no longer present a challenge .
15 Such a situation would apply when the exchange rate had moved to £1 = DM2.727 ( year 2b ) , when the UK car in WG would no longer be uncompetitive and the WG car sold in the UK would no longer have a price-competitive advantage .
16 Inhabitants of the occupied territories wishing to enter Israel would no longer need a permit if aged 50 or over ( instead of 60 ) .
17 This solution would also have the knock-on effect that the Library would no longer require a separate Archive Room in Phase 2 of current Herbarium/Library extension plans .
18 Kamal Jumblatt and other nationalist leaders said that they would no longer support a Cabinet that included Phalangists — just as Chamoun , back in 1957 , had refused to countenance nationalists in the administration .
19 It will no longer imply a specific body of individuals , however .
20 It means that Britain will no longer have a permanent presence in the Security Council in 10 or 15 years ' time .
21 But with the MCI deal in the bag , BT will no longer need a licence ; its American services can be sold via MCI .
22 If , in the copy , each square is replaced by some other mark — a hollow triangle , say — you will no longer see a rotation .
23 Lucy was already regretting her impulsive words , but , knowing she had to come up with an answer , she said in a matter-of-fact tone , ‘ Silas has already assured me that women will no longer play a part in his life .
24 For generations my family have been staunch Conservatives , but I am afraid my immediate family will no longer support a Government which cares little about animal welfare .
25 By the time new licensees start broadcasting in 1993 , ITV stations will no longer enjoy a monopoly .
26 Suppose that I have a sudden impulse to settle when I retire in the village where I was born ; but reality breaks in , I recognize that I had better remember it not as a nostalgic vision but as I indeed saw it before experiencing the city , admit to myself that it will have changed beyond recognition , try to anticipate living in it not as I am now but as an old man who no longer easily makes new friends , try to see myself through the villagers ' eyes as already a stranger who may no longer deserve a welcome .
27 It would seem therefore that normal industrial activities properly carried out may no longer involve a non-natural use of land and many of the older authorities on this point will need reconsidering .
28 If a tree is pollarded and thereafter maintained at a much reduced height than before , it may no longer affect a nearby building .
29 In many respects it may no longer fulfil a useful function and those parts of the job that are still useful could be distributed among existing staff .
30 People who were housegroup leaders may no longer have a group to lead .
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