Example sentences of "[modal v] be likened to [art] " in BNC.

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1 With her sensuous smile and her bare shoulders , she could be likened to a contented cat who knows she has found a good home .
2 When it was first recognised that the atom could be likened to a small solar system in which the electron planets orbited a nuclear sun , theorists were Puzzled as to why the electrons in their tightly curved orbits did not radiate their energy away and spiral into the nucleus as predicted by classical , that is pre-quantum , theory .
3 It could be likened to a carefully positioned set of film stills .
4 Thank you Michael for that introduction which er could be likened to a poisoned chalice I suppose .
5 The third group of witches could be likened to the Daily Telegraph end of the spectrum .
6 They could be likened to the dynamic force of a volcanic eruption .
7 The means may be likened to a seed , the end to a tree ; and there is just the same inviolable connexion between the means and the end as there is between the seed and the tree …
8 The process , in its emphasis on active leadership and unidirectional flow , may be likened to a hypodermic needle , with the active ingredient ( vision ) loaded into a syringe ( words ) which is injected into the patient ( subordinate ) to effect change .
9 This relationship may be likened to a crowded platform .
10 The story that follows can be likened to a tale of exploration , not a new land that he stumbled across , but an important discovery , not only for himself but for the whole of mankind .
11 The result of all this can be likened to a vast ocean , teeming with fish of which only one in a million is edible , and just as this would present a monstrous task to fishermen entrusted with the responsibility of feeding a hungry populace , so does the almost unbelievable quantity of religious teaching and literature by its very size and complexity make it impossible for it ever to serve a serious purpose in satisfying the undoubted universal desire for a respected and well-beloved religion .
12 The Behringer studio noise gate can be likened to a surgeon 's scalpel ; it 's a shining , finely-honed blade of a rack unit , innocent enough in the hands of the unwary , but capable of being used to lethal effect .
13 The combination of the Rasakumbha , which can be likened to a battery , the metal disc on which the yantras are inscribed , or the gems along the spine acting as chakras or energy absorption and distribution points , the sound vibrations of the mantras or bells , results in an emission of electrical energy from the head of the idol .
14 Its nature , in scientific terms can be likened to a ‘ paradigm ’ .
15 Rupert Sheldrake , a Cambridge biochemist and author of A New Science of Life and The Presence of the Past , formulated his theory of morphogenetic fields which can be likened to a blueprint for determining biological processes and creating forms .
16 While the American federal system has been likened to a marble cake , the British political system can be likened to a patchwork quilt .
17 Eros love can be likened to an affair with a box of chocolates .
18 ( a ) Planning with ‘ precise ’ goals can be likened to the Tour de France in which the participants aim for A , move on to B and so on until the end is reached .
19 The usual roll can be likened to the surface activity of a porpoise ; a smooth , slicing motion , where the top of the head , then the humped back , and finally the tip of the caudal fin , cut through the water with considerable elegance and beauty .
20 It can be likened to the vital currents that link our physical vehicle to our energy body .
21 Lastly , the hearth has to be tended , constantly supplied with fuel , and this can be likened to the need for the home to be paid ongoing care and attention , the absence of which will be felt as a cold and empty atmosphere .
22 Down on the studio floor the mood can be likened to the kind of calm that precedes a storm .
23 The entrepreneurial characteristics of agency workers , and the regional/occupational labour market conditions which encourage agency working as an institution , can be likened to the entrepreneurial characteristics of self-employed , or labour only , subcontracting , building workers , and the regional/occupational labour market conditions which encouraged the growth of labour only subcontracting in the building industry in the late 1950s and early 1960s ( see Phelps Brown , 1968 ) .
24 The measurements made by the MSS can be likened to the measurement of light by a photographer 's light-meter .
25 In mechanical terms the transition can be likened to the transformation of a stiff spring to a weak spring .
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