Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] interfere with the " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Levy 's submission was that because of the decisions of the House of Lords in A. v. Liverpool City Council [ 1982 ] A.C. 363 ; In re W. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Jurisdiction ) [ 1985 ] A.C. 791 and In re M. and H. ( Minors ) ( Local Authority : Parental Rights ) [ 1990 ] 1 A.C. 686 the court should approach the exercise of its discretion in the case where ( as here ) the child is in the care of a local authority on the basis that , Parliament having entrusted the care of the child to the local authority , the court should not interfere with the local authority 's care of the child save in the most exceptional circumstances .
2 It may or may not interfere with the hardness of the water but my choice is for those hardy shoaling fish that are bred in the hobby and no longer need acid water — if indeed they ever did .
3 Furthermore , most 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin dose schedules have a high incidence of severe gastrointestinal side effects and may thus interfere with the patients ' quality of life , one of the most important aspects to be considered in palliative treatment .
4 At the critical seasons a ritual response was required to overcome the unpredictable factors that might otherwise interfere with the regular growth of crops .
5 Lord Justice Lloyd and Mr Justice Waterhouse said they could not interfere with the exercise of discretion by Judge Owen in Manchester Crown Court last November .
6 First , the winning of civil rights during and after the eighteenth century : in a number of important cases the courts developed the doctrine that the individual was free to do anything which was not made unlawful by a specific law ; and the corollary of this approach was that the state could not interfere with the civil and political liberties of its citizens ( in those days ‘ subjects ’ ) unless the government could persuade Parliament to pass legislation authorising the interference .
7 The Environment Committee and its staff would ensure that the promoters could not interfere with the consultants ' conclusions and that the consultants , during the preparation of the report , had consulted local authorities and environmental agencies such as HMIP or the NRA , or other agencies .
8 However , the exercise of rights in languages could seriously interfere with the licensing and distribution of computer programs and databases .
9 Thus , as in A , matters such as Literary Theory or non-mainstream areas of literature ( such as African literature ) are considered ‘ specialisms ’ which need not interfere with the traditional way in which English has been , and is , taught .
10 In this instance , the caring role of the learner may well interfere with the task of adequately learning the language .
11 Poland would have guaranteed rights of access to the port , but Danzigers were offered fragile assurances by the League that the Poles would not interfere with the internal affairs of the city-state beyond running the railways , maintaining a Post Office , a customs service , a small garrison and munitions dump on the Westerplatte peninsula , and exercising nominal control over the city s foreign policy .
12 The Court would not interfere with the Commissioners ' decision , and the appeals would be dismissed .
13 In the particular case the Treaty had not yet been entered into and the Courts would not interfere with the course of treaty negotiations .
14 Held , ( 1 ) that on an appeal to the High Court from a decision of justices under the Children Act 1989 fresh evidence could be adduced only with leave in exceptional circumstances , and the court would not interfere with the exercise of the justices ' discretion unless it considered that their decision was plainly wrong or that they had erred in principle ; and that , further , an interm order would not lightly be interfered with in view of its temporary nature and the often provisional character of the evidence ( post , p. 271A–B ) .
15 On 17 May Brig Mitchell , commanding 26 Armoured Bde , even signed a local written agreement with the commander of the Yugoslav 14th Division [ KP 143a ] that " all CROAT soldiers SOUTH of the RIVER DRA VA , within 26 Armd Bde area , are the prisoners of Marshal TITO 's forces " , that the brigade would not allow any Croats to cross to the north bank of the river , and that British troops would not interfere with the disarming and taking prisoner of Croat soldiers in the area .
16 The Earl of Angus would not interfere with the Cardinal 's nephew , and the French have no interest in this .
17 The EMF would not carry out national monetary policy decisions , so this would not interfere with the Bank of England 's role in this area , although the EMF would act as an indirect constraint on domestic monetary policy and would be in control of ECU interest rates , which would eventually be expected to influence national interest rates .
18 2.5.1 at any time on prior appointment with the Architect enter upon the Site and the Premises in order to view the state and progress of the Works but shall not interfere with the carrying out of the Works and
19 To herself Annabel thought that it would n't interfere with the running of the Universe if enough money could be found somewhere for the university fees and accommodation for Eve Malone , the child who had no home except the big bleak convent with the heavy iron gates .
20 Archie was bound to nose around in it , but would n't interfere with the contents .
21 Duty said that the police would n't interfere with the property as long as they could be sure that no criminal entry or damage had taken place .
22 It would n't it would n't interfere with the neighbours .
23 ‘ It would n't interfere with the hurdles at the World Championships because there is a gap between the two events .
24 ‘ It would n't interfere with the hurdles at the World Championships because there is a gap between the two events .
25 ‘ It 's difficult for people to accept that they ca n't interfere with the transfer of data once it 's automated .
26 Suppose you ca n't interfere with the weather there
27 Thus the Paris Summit in 1972 produced a clear statement that a high priority should be given to correcting regional imbalances which would otherwise interfere with the realisation of economic and monetary union .
28 The very idea raised an image of a gradual disruption of the whole fabric of history until , at some stage , the rupture would seriously interfere with the creative processes of Earth themselves .
29 The new broadcasting craft will use a higher frequency , at around 12 GHz , and so will not interfere with the communications satellites .
30 The upshot of it is that the appellate court , where the matter is one of discretion , as this is of course , will not interfere with the discretion of the court below unless it considers that the court was plainly wrong or it has erred in principle , that it has taken into account something it should not have done or has failed to take into account something it should have done , and on that narrow basis I must proceed with this appeal .
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